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Jennie POV

I woke in a warm snuggle. I opened my eyes. I saw Jisoo's beautiful face in front of me. I smiled.

I got on top of Jisoo straddling her.

Jisoo: "Jen?"

Jennie: "Good morning babe"

Jisoo: "good morning"

Jennie: "did you have a good sleep?"

Jisoo: "yeah"

Jisoo closed her eyes again, I smirked. I was about to kiss her but Jisoo beat me and flipped us around.

Jisoo kissed me. It was slow at first, it then started to get heated. Jisoo pulled away.

Jisoo: "I'm going to take a shower"

Jisoo gave me a peck and left to the bathroom
I felt hot, uncomfortable, and kind of frustrated I never felt this way before and it's weird.

Jisoo got out of the shower and I quickly went inside to take a cold shower hoping the feeling would go away

Jisoo POV

Jennie flew past me, maybe getting her into a heated kiss was a bad idea. I changed and decided to call Lisa and Chaeyoung. I called them and told them the situation, they laughed and said there coming.

Jisoo: "Jennie, Lisa and Chaeyoung is coming"

Jennie: "okay!!"

I went downstairs to cook breakfast.
As I finished the door bell ranged and Jennie came downstairs

I opened the door

Lisa: "Hey!!!"

Jisoo: "come in!!"

They entered and I handed out some of the breakfast.

Lisa: "thanks"

Chaeyoung: "I never knew my best friend could cook good breakfast"

Jisoo: "I'm awesome at everything"

They laughed, I pouted.

Jisoo: "I'll just lock you guys in the mansion then"

Lisa: "how are you going to that?"

Jennie: "did you seriously forgot?"

Lisa: "oh yeah!"

We just ate breakfast

Jennie: "I'll wash the dishes"

Jisoo: "okay"

Jennie: "Lisa can you stay with me I need to ask you something"

Lisa: "sure"

Jisoo: "Chae you're coming with me"

Chaeyoung: "where are we going to go?"

Jisoo: "my technology room"

Chaeyoung: "why"

Jisoo: "I need to fix a system and I need help"

Chaeyoung: "will it blow up?"

Jisoo: "maybe"

Chaeyoung: "why can't you just ask your assistant"

Jisoo: "she's recharging"

Chaeyoung: "fine"

Jisoo: "you're going to be wearing a helmet your going to be fine"

Me and Chaeyoung went to the gym

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