I love you

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Jennie POV

I woke up feeling Jisoo's warmth, I snuggled deeper into her.

Jisoo: "Jenduk~"

Jennie: "Hmmmm~?"

Jisoo: "I'm hungry~"

Jennie: "I'll cook breakfast and you go take a shower"

Jisoo: "okay"

Jisoo went upstairs and I went to the kitchen and cooked some bacon, eggs, and pancakes.

After 30 minutes Jisoo came downstairs all freshened up

Jisoo: "your turn"

I went upstairs to do my morning routine, I dressed up nicely remembering about the lunch with Kai. I went back downstairs to see Jisoo munching on food

Jennie: "seems like you enjoyed it"

Jisoo: "Mhmm"

I started to eat too

Jisoo: "why are you dressed up so nicely?"

Jennie: "Lunch with Kai"

I saw how Jisoo's expression changed into a mad one.

Jisoo: "why can't you spend the day with me?"

Jennie: "I promised Kai already"

Jisoo: "whatever"

Jisoo got up and went to her gym

I don't understand why can't she trust me?

Why can't she trust Kai?

Why does she think I'll cheat on her?

Kai's a nice man right?

I sighed and started to wash the dishes. After I washed the dishes I went to the gym we're Jisoo was.

Jisoo: "I hate it!! I hate it!! I hate it!!" Jisoo said punching the punching bag really hard

Jennie: "Baby~ calm down~"

Jisoo breathed heavily, she dropped her head down. I walked to her, I hugged her

Jennie: "Tell me whats wrong"

Jisoo: "Kai is the reason"

Jennie: "Jisoo I'm not going over myself"

Right in that moment my phone ringed, it was a text from kai

Kai: Hi, ummm it's 2:46, I kinda of wonder if we could have lunch early

Jennie: Yeah, sure

Kai: so were do I pick you up?

Jennie: ummm at *********

Kai: okay meet you soon

I didn't know it was 2:46 already, time flys by

Jisoo: "that was kai wasn't it"

Jennie: "yeah..."

Jisoo: "Jennie please don't go"

Jennie: "Jisoo I don't understand why can't you trust kai?"

Jisoo: "I told you already he's my brother son!!!

Jennie: "how do you know??!!!"

Jisoo: "I just know!!!"

Jennie: "that won't prove it!!!"

Jisoo: "why can't you trust me??!!!"

Jennie: "why can't you stop being jealous??!!!"

Jisoo: "I told you I'm not jealous!!!"

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