Jisoo's confession

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Jisoo POV

Jisoo: "I-I like you Jennie"

After I said I ran, I'm to scared to hear her answer.

Jennie: "Jisoo!!!"

I just kept running, when I finally stopped I heard Jennie yelling

Jennie: "JISOO HELP ME!!!"

I ran back, I saw a man putting his hands over Jennie's mouth

I punched him but it didn't do anything he's too strong. He looked at me and let go of Jennie.

Jisoo: "JENNIE RUN!!!"

Jennie: "How about you!!!"


Jennie ran, I saw her calling a taxi. The man threw punches at me

Jisoo: "what's your name?!!!"

Man: "Yeon!!"

He punched me in the stomach I groaned in pain. He pushed me onto the ground really hard that my head started to bleed. I tried to stand up but I fell back down

Yeon: "Look you made me lose Jennie, I'm going to kill!!"

He punched me in the chin. I punched him in the stomach but it doesn't do anything. It started to rain. My blood mixed with rain

Jisoo: "why do you want Jennie?!!"

Yeon: "none of your business!!"

I stood up and tripped him. He fell onto the ground with a big thump. He was facing the ground, I went to his head and smashed into the ground. He rolled over and stood up and kicked me I fell onto the ground with a thump now.

Yeon: "you are strong but not as strong as me."

He punched my stomach really hard that blood started to leak out of my mouth. He grabbed me and slammed me into the ground I screamed in pain. I was panting now. He punched me in the face. My nose started to bleed and my lips started to bleed. He grabbed me and threw me against a garbage
I screamed in pain. He runs towards me and kicked me right into my chest.

He reached his side pocket and took out a gun

Yeon: "time to end Jennie's best bodyguard."

He shot me right on my waist. I screamed in pain I never felt such pain like this. Blood started to come out from my hips. I saw a car coming. I used all of the energy I had left and tackled him towards the car. I then ran back near the garbage. I heard him scream and the car stopped and called 911.
I walked towards an alleyway holding my waist that got shot. I took out my phone and called Jennie.




J-"Jisoo are you okay? You sound very weak!!"

JJ- "call 911"

J- "What happened!!!"

JJ- "Call 911, near an alleyway"

After that, I dropped my phone and fell onto the ground with a loud thump and felt blackness overcome me.

Jennie POV

"Hello?!! Jisoo?!?"

I called Lisa

L- "Hello?

J- "Lisa it's about Jisoo"

L- "where are you?"

J- "Home"

L- "than why isn't she with you home?"

J- "she called me and said call 911 near an alleyway"

L- "Why did she tell you call 911?!"

J- "I don't know but all know I know is that she said she liked me and ran I followed her but a man grabbed me I screamed Jisoo's name she came back and punched the man that made the man let go of me, Jisoo told me to run and I did"

L- "she might be injured!! I'll get Chaeyoung 
I'll be at your house in 10 minutes"

J- "okay!! Hurry up!!"

I changed into jeans and a t-shirt and grabbed a coat because it's raining outside.

After awhile a heard a beep outside I ran outside and saw Lisa and Chaeyoung, I entered the car

Lisa: "Were was the last time you saw her?"

Jennie: "near the beach"

Lisa: "Okay"

She drove towards the beach

Jennie: "right there!!"

Lisa stopped the car and we got out

Chaeyoung: "Jisoo unnie?!!"

Jennie: "OMG there's so much blood"

Chaeyoung: "there's a trail of blood. Follow it!!"

We followed the trail of blood and stopped when we saw Jisoo on the ground looking lifeless. I ran over to her

Jennie: "Jisoo?!!! There's so much blood!!"

Lisa: "Jisoo wake up we need you!!"

Chaeyoung: "move her hand!!"

I moved her hand on her waist

Jennie: "she got shot!!"

Lisa: "Call 911!!!"

Chaeyoung called 911

Jennie: "This is all my fault. If I hadn't left her like a coward." I said crying

Lisa: "it's not your fault"

Chaeyoung: "there coming!!! Add pressure on the wound!!"

I put my hand over Jisoo's waist and put pressure. I was still crying

Lisa: "Jennie unnie let me do it. Chaeyoung comfort her"

Chaeyoung hugged me while patting my back. I was crying so hard.

Chaeyoung: "it's okay Jennie unnie"

Jennie: "it's all my fault"

We heard 911. They took Jisoo away and the police asked us some questions.

We followed the ambulance. We followed them as they took Jisoo inside the building.

Staff: "patient in critical condition!!! To the ER room!!! We need surgery right away!!!"

Jennie: "This is all my fault"

Lisa: "it's not your fault Jennie unnie"

Jennie: "Jisoo's in critical condition because of me."

Chaeyoung: "Jisoo unnie is a fighter"

Lisa: "Jisoo unnie will come back to us"

Lisa: "let's go home your hands are covered in Jisoo's unnie blood."

Jennie: "I want to wait for Jisoo"

Chaeyoung: "Jisoo unnie won't like how you're not getting rest"

Jennie: "okay but we come back here in the morning?"

Lisa: "of course"

We went back to the car. Lisa drove and Chaeyoung was comforting me

Lisa and Chaeyoung helped me with my night routine and they also stayed in one of the guest rooms

I cried my self to sleep that night

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