Jennie's past

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3rd person POV

Right now Jennie is having a nightmare about her past.

Nightmare /Flashback

Jennie is 10 years old. She heard her parents yelling again, she hates when her parents argue, she always wanted to cry when they yell. She went downstairs to see his dad holding a knife. Her dad stopped because he saw Jennie. Jennie just ran out

She was walking on a sidewalk when all of a sudden somebody pulled her and knocked her out. When she woke up it was a man in black. It was really dark and it was thundering outside. Jennie is so scared.

Man: "Your awake darling"

Jennie: "p-pleased-don't h-hurt m-me"

Man: "I'm not gonna hurt, I'm gonna give you pleasure"

The man started to wake towards Jennie and took her clothes off.

Man: "You have an amazing body baby girl"

Jennie was sobbing now

The man took off his pants.
Jennie knew what he was about to do


Man: "shhhhh"

The man started to do his thing to Jennie.
Jennie was crying in pain, feeling pain between her legs.

Man: "you're so tight"

When the man was done raping Jennie, he threw Jennie outside.

Jennie was outside in the dark while it was thundering and raining outside. Ever time thunder struck it scares her more.

Dad: "JENNIE!"

Jennie heard her dad, her dad came with some police officers

Jennie: "Daddy that man inside he-he did it to me."

Her dad knew what she meant, with that the police officers went inside of the building. When police officers came out with the man

Man: "Your daughter felt great" he yelled

Police officer: "You will be charged for sexual harassment and raping a young girl. You will be sent to prison for 10 years."

They took the man away

Jennie: "Daddy, I feel pain between my legs"

Dad: "come on Jennie let's go."

It took 2 years for Jennie to recover that event.
Whenever thunder struck she gets scared, she would cry and it would take a few days for her to recover a thunderstorm. she always had a little light in her room.

Even now she had a light in her room and whenever thunderstorm comes it would take a few days to recover for her.

And that event her parents started to aruge less, they knew if they weren't arguing this wouldn't have happened and Jennie knew that too.

End of nightmare/flashback

Jennie shot up from her bed sweating. She decided to go downstairs to have water.
When she exited her room it was all dark, she couldn't move she froze as the memory came back, she started to sob she than started to curl in a ball.

Jisoo POV

I woke up from hearing sobs. I exited my room to see Jennie crying on the floor curl in a ball

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