Ticking bomb

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Jennie POV

I was still crying on my couch until my phone rang, it was Lisa.

Jennie: "H-hello?

Lisa: "Jennie unnie are you okay!!???

Jennie: "Y-Yeah

Lisa: "where are you?! Are you sure you're okay?! I saw the bomb notification

Jennie: "you shouldn't worry about me, worry about Jisoo

Chaeyoung: "Lisa!! Did Jennie unnie pick up?!
Jisoo unnie isn't picking up!! And I'm worried!!

Jennie: "Lisa, can you tell Chaeyoung to come here where you are and turn on the speaker.

Lisa: "Okay"

Lisa: "Come here, baby"

Chaeyoung: "Okay are both of them okay?!!"

Lisa: "Jennie wants to tell us something"

Chaeyoung: "Hello"

Jennie: "Hi"

Lisa: "what do you want to tell us?"

Jennie: "Jisoo's not with me"

Lisa and Chaeyoung: "What??!!"

Jennie: "she saved me then she sent me back to the mansion."

Lisa: "what do you mean she saved you?"

Jennie: "she saved me from her brother and father. When she figured out that her father had a bomb in the building she sent me home."

Lisa: "she's still at the building that has the bomb?"

Jennie: "yes"

Chaeyoung: "why? Why? Why?"

Jennie: "she's trying to disable it"

Lisa: "she doesn't even know technology or engineering stuff. She didn't even know how to use a phone until we showed her how too."

Jennie: "just go to the building, I want to cry right now."

Lisa: "Okay, we'll go to the building first then check on you Okay?"

Jennie: "okay"

Lisa: "can you give me the address?"

Jennie: "************"

Lisa: "see you soon"

Lisa POV

Me and Chaeyoung immediately took my car to drive to the building.
When we arrived there were so many cops, firefighters. What surprises me is that there is a barrier force around the building.

Lisa: "Jisoo unnie??!!!!"

Jisoo POV

I was looking at the wires until my watch beeped

Jisoo: "Yes?

Barrier force: "somebody is calling your name Master."

Jisoo: "alright"

I got out of the storage closet and walked towards the shattered window. There was a lot of police officers and firefighters but Lisa and Chaeyoung caught my eye

Lisa: "Jisoo unnie!!!

Jisoo: "what are you doing here??!!"

Lisa: "to see you!!!!"

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