Back Alive

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Jisoo POV

I was driving back to the mansion, I noticed a slight pain in my stomach.
When I arrived I got off of my motorcycle the barrier was still around the mansion but I can walk in and out still with the barrier on.

As I got off I held my stomach, it hurts a lot.
I stumbled to the door entrance. I knocked at the door. The door opened with a teary eyed Jennie. Her eyes sparkled when she saw me.

Jennie: "JISOO!!!"

She hugged me very tightly, my stomach hurts even more but I didn't want to show any pain so Jennie won't worry about me

Jisoo: "I missed you"

I smiled and captured her lips

Lisa: "*Cough Cough* Were here too"

Jisoo: "Sorry"

Chaeyoung: "do you even know how much I was worried!!???"

Jennie: "Same here!!!"

They started to hit me

Jisoo: "Hey Hey!!"

Jennie: "I was crying my eyes out!!"

Chaeyoung: "same here!!"

Jisoo: "Lalisa save me from Your evil girlfriend!!"

Lisa backed hugged Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung stopped hitting me, Thank God.

But now Jennie

Jisoo: "stop hitting me!"

Jennie: "no"

Jisoo: "please I want to sleep"

Jennie softened

Jennie: "okay"

Jisoo: "Lisa and Chaeyoung, you guys should take a guest room"

Chaeyoung: "Okay"

They went up stairs

Jisoo: "I'll meet you upstairs"

Jennie: "okay"

Jennie also went upstairs and I went to my gym
I scanned my hand

"System unlocked"

I stepped into the room, and lifted up my shirt, the wound was still there not healed

Jisoo: "Megan"

Megan: "yes Master?"

Jisoo: "Megan, why isn't my wound healed?"

Megan: "I tried but it didn't work, you were working on the bomb I didn't want to bother you while you working on the bomb, Master."

Jisoo: "Alright I understand"

I sighed

Jisoo: "Another System to fix"

I grabbed out a first aid kit. I opened it and grabbed out the alcohol, dabbed it on a piece of paper towel. I little dabbed it on the wound, I hissed in pain

Jisoo: "this hurts..."

I was about to dab on the wound again but somebody scared me.

Jennie: "something your not telling me?" Jennie said with her arms crossed

Jisoo: "how did you get in here?"

Jennie: "you left the thing open"

Jisoo: "oops...?"

she walked towards me and took the alcohol out of my hand, she helped me little dab on the wound. I keep hissing in pain

Jennie: "you know you should of told me"

Jisoo: "I just didn't want to bother you"

Jennie: "you're hurt!"

Jisoo: "you look tired"

Jennie: "this is gonna hurt"

Jisoo: "Wha— OW!!"

Jennie: "told ya"

Jennie grabbed the bandages and started to wrap around my stomach

Jisoo: "how am I going to take a shower?"

Jennie: "you don't"

Jisoo: "alright"

Jennie: "carry me I'm sleepy"

Jisoo: "okay lazy head"

I picked up Jennie and walked out of the room

Jisoo: "Megan turn off all of the lights please"

The lights turned off and I walked upstairs to our room. Jennie was already sleeping, I smiled, I placed her onto the bed. I laid beside her. I wrapped my arms around her waist.

Jisoo: "Goodnight my Mandu"

"Goodnight Jichu" I heard Jennie lightly mumbled

I closed my eyes and drift off to dreamland

A quick update!

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