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Jisoo POV

I'm getting ready to meet Jennie.
I look at myself in the mirror

Mom: "Jis I think you should change"

Jisoo: "why?"

Mom: "be yourself Jisoo"

I looked at myself again, I sighed this isn't me

Jisoo: "you're right, I'll change"

I changed into a t-shirt, jeans and a hat

Mom: "now that's you"

I smiled

Jisoo: "thanks mom"

Mom: "no problem just be yourself"

I nodded

I went downstairs, I went to the garage and got in my car. I started to drive to the company.

I rubbed my hands when I got to Jennie's office.
I opened the door

Jennie: "Jisoo"

Jisoo: "Hi"

Jennie: "come have a seat"

Jisoo: "thanks"

I sat in front of her

Jennie: "so where would you like to go?"

Jisoo: "I don't know"

Jennie: "how about the amusement park?"

Jisoo: "sure"

We got up and started to head to the parking lot

Jisoo: "so where's the amusement park?"

Jennie: "***************"

I nodded we got into my car, I typed the address into my phone.
I started drive

Jennie fell asleep, she must be tried after working so hard.

It took 45 minutes to get there but it such a nice amusement park I couldn't believe it. It looked so expensive too.

Jisoo: "Jennie we're here"

Jennie: "Oh okay"

Jennie rubbed her eyes and fixed her hair

Jisoo: "let's go?"

Jennie: "yeah"

We got to the entrance

Lady: "it's $50 per person"

Jennie: "I'll pay"

Jisoo: "but that's too much"

Jennie: "it's fine"

Jennie payed $100 for us. We went inside and it full of people. I couldn't believe my eyes

Jennie: "let's get tickets"

I followed Jennie to the ticket booth.

Man: "how much tickets would you like"

Jennie: "let's do 60 tickets"

Jisoo: "woah that's a lot"

Jennie: "actually 150 tickets"

Man: "alright it'll be $90"

Jennie payed for the tickets, I sighed

Jisoo: "you spent $190 already"

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