Please come back, I'm so sorry Jisoo

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Jennie POV

I woke up. It's 5:36
I went to Lisa and Chaeyoung's room. I entered and they were awake already

Lisa: "Hey unnie"

Jennie: "can we go to the hospital?"

Chaeyoung: "yeah, go and dress up meet us downstairs"

I went back to my room and took a shower and changed into jeans and a long sleeve shirt. I did my morning routine. I went downstairs to see Chaeyoung and Lisa eating breakfast.

Chaeyoung: "unnie come and eat"

Jennie: "but I want to see Jisoo"

Lisa: "if you don't eat I won't drive you to the hospital"

I went to the kitchen counter and took the cup of coffee and the waffles. After I finished eating. We went to Lisa's car and drove to the hospital.

When we arrived I rushed to get inside the hospital.

Jennie: "Kim Jisoo"

Desk lady: "room 238"

Jennie: "thank you"

I rushed to room 238 while Lisa and Chaeyoung were trying to catch up with me. I stopped when I was in front of Jisoo's room

Lisa: "Jennie unnie your really fast at running" she said catching her breath

A doctor came out of the room

Doctor: "Hi are you Kim Jisoo's friends"

Jennie: "yes"

Doctor: "Jisoo was lucky she survived that gunshot. She lost a lot of blood. She's in a coma. We don't know if she's going to wake up from the coma, she had a very serious head injury. But she can still hear you guys. Help her by talking to her."

That hit me like a truck

Jennie: "can we see her?"

Doctor: "yes I finished all of my test on her"

I entered the room to see Jisoo's head banged up her. I started to cry again.

Jennie: "I'm so sorry Jisoo this is all my fault"

Lisa: "Jennie unnie this isn't your fault"

Jennie: "this wouldn't happen if I didn't go home like a coward."

Chaeyoung: "Jennie unnie Jisoo will come back she loves you"

Jennie: "she loves me?"

Chaeyoung: "yes"

Lisa: "Chaeyoung we need to go back to the company" Lisa says while checking her phone

Jennie: "you guys can go I want to be alone"

Chaeyoung: "are you sure unnie?"

Jennie: "yes"

Lisa: "we'll come back at lunch"

They left and I took a seat next to Jisoo holding her hand

Jennie: "I'm so sorry Jisoo. Please come back do you remember our promise? You can't break the promise." I said between sobs

This is all my fault. I'm so sorry Jisoo
Jisoo POV

I woke up in blackness. I stood up

Jisoo: "hello?"

I walked up to a light shining

Jisoo: "Grandma?"

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