Chaelisa's plan

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Chaeyoung POV

How did I and Lisa meet?

Flashback|3rd person POV

Chaeyoung was in the grocery shop working.
It wasn't really busy

Staff: "Chaeyoung can you deliver these groceries?"

Chaeyoung: "yeah I'll deliver them"

Chaeyoung took the bag of groceries. She looked at the address and started to drive

After 20 minutes she arrived. It was a big house.

Chaeyoung: *knock knock*

Lisa: "Hi"

Chaeyoung: "Hi," Chaeyoung said not looking up, she was looking at the price.

Chaeyoung: "20.38"

Lisa: "Okay"

Chaeyoung finally looked up to see Lisa looking at her

Lisa thought Chaeyoung looked beautiful the most beautiful person she ever saw

Lisa: "what's your name?"

Chaeyoung: "Park Chaeyoung, you can call me rosé too"

Lisa: "Do you know who I am?"

Chaeyoung: "Lalisa Manoban"

Lisa thought it was weird usual people would fangirl over her.

Chaeyoung: "look I gotta go back"

Lisa: "Okay here's the money"

Chaeyoung: "thanks"

Lisa: "bye"

Chaeyoung: "bye"

Chaeyoung drove back to the grocery store
While Lisa was taking out the groceries, she was looking for her favorite fruit mango and it wasn't there. Lisa decided to drive back to the grocery store.

Lisa got in her car and drove to the grocery.
When she arrived people noticed her already which isn't good
She entered the grocery to see Chaeyoung there, she walked towards her

Lisa: "Chaeyoung?"

Chaeyoung: "Yeah? Woah why are you here?"

Lisa: "you forget my mangos"

"Is that Lalisa?!!"

"Omg it's Lalisa"

Chaeyoung: "go back home!!!"

Lisa: "how about my mangos?"

Chaeyoung: "I'll deliver them to you, I don't want your fans invading this grocery store!!"

Lisa: "Do you know my address"

Chaeyoung: "no."

"Omg, it's Lalisa!!

"Come on let's go to her!!

Lisa: "just I'll give my phone number"

Chaeyoung: "okay hurry!"

Lisa left after she gave Chaeyoung her phone number. Lisa was very happy that she got Chaeyoung's phone number.

Chaeyoung got the mangos and got in her car but it was hard getting in the car because of fans trying to ask her questions about Lisa.

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