I think I fell in love

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3rd person POV

Chaeyoung spit her water on Jisoo

Chaeyoung: "WHAT?!!"

Jisoo: "calm down" Jisoo said wiping the water off her

Chaeyoung: "You're in love?"

Jisoo: "I think I'm in love"

Chaeyoung: "Wow this is the first time"

Jisoo: "Just help me? Cause I know you have Lisa"

Chaeyoung: "how does he or she make you feel?"

Jisoo: "whenever I look at her she makes my heart flutter. I could stare at her face all day. Whenever she touches me it makes my heart beat faster."

Chaeyoung: "so it's a she?" Chaeyoung said drinking coffee now

Jisoo: "yes"

Chaeyoung: "mind telling her name?"

Jisoo: "Jennie"

Chaeyoung spit her coffee on Jisoo

Jisoo: "can you stop spitting on me?"

Chaeyoung: "sorry but Jennie Kim?"

Jisoo: "yes"

Staff: "4 ice coffee and donuts for Kim Jisoo!!"

Meanwhile with Jennie and Lisa

Jennie: "I think I like someone"

Lisa: "What!!! Since when?!!"

Jennie: "since now"

Lisa: "How does the person look like??!!!! How does the person make you feel?!?!? Can I meet the person!!!"

Jennie: "first of all its a she"

Lisa: "keep going"

Jennie: "second of all she makes me feel happy. When she smiles she makes my heart flutters
Whenever she hugs me my heart beats faster
She can always make me blush"

Lisa: "Wow just wow, this is the first I see you love."

Jennie: "just shut up"

Lisa: "so what's her name?"

Jennie: "Jisoo"

Lisa: "WHAT!!!! Jisoo Kim as your bodyguard??!!"

Jennie: "yes"

Lisa: "should have known that since she's the only one that really touches you" Lisa whispered

Jennie: "Lisa I can hear you"

Lisa: "What? no"

Chaeyoung: "Were back!!!!"

Jisoo: "Hola amigos!!"

Jennie: "Hey"

Lisa: "Yo wassup man!"

Jisoo: "nothing man just getting ice coffee and donuts!!!"

Chaeyoung: "where do you guys wanna eat?"

Jisoo and Lisa: "Jennie's desk!!!"

Jisoo and Lisa looked at each other

Jisoo: "why do you want to eat at Jennie's desk?"

Lisa: "No why do you want to eat at Jennie's desk?"

Jisoo: "fine we say it together."

Lisa: "alright"

Jisoo: "3"

Jisoo: "2"

Jisoo: "1!!"

Jisoo and Lisa: "To make a mess!!"

Jennie: "you serious"

Jisoo: "nope now less eat!"

Jisoo walked over to Jennie and pulled her up then pulled her back down to her lap. It was a common thing. But Chaeyoung and Lisa think it's odd.

Jisoo and Jennie: "what?"

Lisa: "nothing"

Chaeyoung: "Let's just eat"

The whole time Chaeyoung and Lisa were looking at each other weirdly because of Jennie and Jisoo. Jennie would feed Jisoo and when Jisoo asks for a sip of the ice tea she would give her a sip.

Chaeyoung: "I think we are done!"

Lisa: "yeah! I need to get back to the company"

Chaeyoung: "let's go"

Lisa and Chaeyoung walked out

Lisa POV

Lisa: "You have no idea what Jennie told me! "

Chaeyoung: "me too!!"

Lisa: "you go first"

Chaeyoung: "Jisoo said that she's in love with Jennie!!!"

Lisa: "OMG Jennie said that she likes Jisoo!!"

Chaeyoung: "you know what that means" Chaeyoung said smirking

Lisa: "plan time!!!" I said while giving her a high five

This is going to be fun!!! HeHe!!

Sorry it's short, I'll make a longer one next time. Please vote

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