Back into my arms

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Jisoo POV

I was chasing behind them shooting them
They were close to the building, I was so close but a gate appeared out of nowhere, it knocks me back into the road.

I was so close!!!!

I got back onto my motorcycle and drove to the gate.

Jisoo: "Got damn it!!! So close!!!"

There was a power cell thing, I opened it, I ripped a wire that should open the gate.
The gate disappeared.

Jisoo: "What the?"

What kind of technology is this?
I'll figure it out later, right now I need to get to Jennie

I opened my motorcycle trunk and grabbed out an AK-47 and my katana

Jisoo: "these will be handy"

I walked into the lobby

Guard: "Hey!!! Get her!!!"

They started to shoot me but my armor was bulletproof.

I shot them in the foot, I didn't want to kill them they stilled had a life to live I guess
I still had my helmet on because I didn't want my beautiful face to get shot.

Guard: "Call back up!!!"

More Guard started to come out. I knocked most of them out until 2 of them had bulletproof armor like me.

Guard 1: "this will be fun"

Guard 2: "indeed"

They started to come at me, I grabbed out my katana.

I stabbed one of them, he fell onto the ground groaning in pain. The other one knocked my katana out of my hands

Guard 1: "come on, one on one"

Jisoo: "alright"

He threw punches at me, I dodged them. I hit him in the stomach and hit him in the chin. He fell onto the ground. He got up and stabbed me in the stomach with a hidden knife. I groan in pain, I grabbed out my AK-47 and shot him in the ankle

I hold my watch.

Jisoo: Heal the wound

"Yes master"

Jisoo: "easier than I thought." I said kicking the man in the head

I entered the elevator and pressed the last floor.

Jennie POV

I was in a chair tied up.

Kai: "Jennie you know this would be much easier if you just agreed"

I shook my head, and started to tear up

Jis father: "you know Jisoo's much stronger than I thought Bobby"

Bobby: "what do you mean"

Jis father: "Bobby we underestimated Jisoo, she's much stronger smarter than I thought"

Bobby: "I don't understand why are you saying this?"

Jis father: "3, 2, 1"

The elevator opened, Jisoo was standing there

Jisoo POV

When I reached the floor, they tied up Jennie
I got mad right away, I shot Kai and Bobby in the ankle.

Jis father: "Wait wait Jisoo you see this"

He had a little control in his hand

Jisoo: "yes"

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