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Jisoo POV

I'm getting ready to meet Yeri at the hotel right now with Jennie beside me.

Jennie: "do you really have to go?"

Jisoo: "yes, it's just Yeri"

Jennie: "I have a bad feeling"

Jisoo: "Jennie you're the only, you know that"

Jennie pouted and I fixed my ponytail

Jisoo: "how about when I get back we're go somewhere fun like the amusement park"

Jennie: "okay"

I gave Jennie a kiss and hugged

Jisoo: "Love you"

Jennie: "Love you too"

I entered the car and started to drive. When I got there Yeri's car was there already. I got the room number and started to head to the room. It's kinda weird how Yeri wants to meet in a hotel room. I opened the door. Yeri was waiting there

Yeri: "don't let the—"

The door closed

Yeri: "door close..."

Yeri: "and now we're stuck"

Jisoo: "didn't you tell me to go here? So you must have the key or something"

Yeri: "I thought you did I got a text message from you"

Jisoo: "that's weird"

I started to try to open the door

Jisoo: "what the hell its jammed shut"

Yeri: "I don't know who did this"

Jisoo: "I promised Jennie we're go to the amusement park today"

Yeri: "really?"

Jisoo: "yeah"

Yeri: "It's 7:56, who would go to the amusement park at that time?"

Jisoo: "it's one of those amusement park, we're you can see fireworks at night"

Yeri: "Ohhhhh"

Jisoo: "there's only one bed"

Yeri: "let's get in before we freeze to death"

We got in, we talked and talked and talked until we both fell asleep

Jennie POV

It's 10:36 Jisoo isn't back yet, I'm worried.
My door bell rang

Jennie: "who would do this at this time?"

I opened the door there was no one but there was a envelope. I took the envelope. I closed the door and sat on my sofa. I opened the envelope. My eyes started to tear up

There was a picture Jisoo and Yeri sleeping in the same bed. The next picture was them...


I burst into tears
I knew Yeri would take Jisoo away from me
I knew it from the start to the end
I knew it!!

I laid on the couch crying my eyes out
Why would Jisoo do this to me?

Lisa POV

I woke early in the morning from a phone call, it was Jennie

Lisa: "Hello"

Jennie: "Jisoo she cheated on me"

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