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Jennie POV

It's been 5 months without Jisoo.
5 months without Jisoo's hugs
5 months without Jisoo's warmth
5 months without Jisoo's kisses
5 months in with depression

Lisa: "Jennie you have to eat"

Jennie: "leave me alone, I need to finish this paperwork"

Lisa: "Jennie you can't keep working that hard, you need to eat"

Jennie: "I'll eat an apple later"

Lisa: "I know you won't eat an apple later"

Jennie: "just leave me alone"

Lisa: "I don't want to bring it up but Jisoo won't be happy if she knew this is what you're doing to yourself."

Jennie: "get out of my office Lisa"

Lisa: "Jennie, I know it's been hard without—"

Jennie: "don't you dare finish that sentence!"

Lisa: "Jen—"

Jennie: "Lisa please leave my office"

Lisa: "I'll come back later with food"

Lisa left, I sighed holding in my tears.
I burst out crying

Jennie: "it's been hard without you Jisoo"

Jisoo POV

I live with my parents now.
I feel empty and I don't know why

Chae: "Jis"

Jisoo: "yeah?"

Chae: "wanna go out for ice cream? Lisa at an ice cream place waiting for us"

Jisoo: "sure I'll go"

Chae: "okay let's go! Wanna see Lisa!!"

We got into my car and drove to the ice cream place. When I saw the ice cream place my head started to hurt

Jennie: "can I get milk ice cream?"

Jisoo: "sure, I still can't believe you like milk ice cream like a baby"

Jennie: "hey! I'm a grown, woman"

Jisoo: "I know, I'm just kidding"

Jennie: "of course you are, you doofus"

Chae: "Jisoo are you okay?"

Jisoo: "Ummm yeah let's head in"

Chae: "okay!"

We got out of my car and entered the building

Lisa: "over here!"

It's her Jennie. I felt my heart warm up, I feel like I'm not empty anymore. I felt a guiltiness flush over me just like, when I was in the hospital.

Lisa: "Jennie are you going to eat your ice cream?"

Jennie: "no"

I sat in front of Jennie and Chae sat in front Lisa

Chae: "so! Can I have a bite?"

Lisa: "of course!"

The lovebirds were doing their own things while me and Jennie here was just sitting here with an awkward tension in the air

Jennie: "Ummm here, I don't want to eat it. I didn't touch it either."

Jennie pushed her ice cream towards me.

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