Taking Care Of You

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Jisoo POV

I groaned, somebody was calling me. I reached for my phone.

Jisoo: "Hello?"

Lisa: "Hey Unnie"

Jisoo: "Oh Hey Lis"

Lisa: "Me and Chae are coming over but we won't stay that long. We wanted to check on Jennie Unnie you know after what happened in the amusement park"


Jisoo: "Ah yes"

Lisa: "okay! See you in 15 minutes!"

Jisoo: "see ya"

Jisoo: "Jennie! Wake up!"

I peeked under the sheets I'm still naked, Jennie is also still naked. I blushed

Jennie: "Why...?"

I jumped off of the bed, going to the bathroom. I quickly took a bath and changed into Jennie's clothes.

Jisoo: "Jennie! Lisa and Chae are coming over! You need to take a shower!"

Jennie: "Ahhh! My head hurts!!!"

I immediately stopped my yelling and walked over to Jennie.

Jisoo: "are you okay? Do you need medicine? The doc gave—"

Jennie: "gotcha"

I was surprised, Jennie pulled me down, crashing our lips together. My eyes widen.

Jennie's tongue entered my mouth. I got on top of her. I took the change to suck on her tongue. She moaned. It went and back and fourth until Jennie broke the kiss and started to make hickeys on my neck

Jisoo: "J-Jennie s-stop, L-Lisa a-and C-Chae a-are c-coming o-over"

Jennie: "Ugh! Fine!"

Jennie stormed to the bathroom. I went downstairs to cook breakfast and covered those hickeys with make up.

After a few minutes I heard Jennie coming downstairs. Then I felt two arms wrap around my waist. Jennie snuggled her face behind my back. I enjoyed the warmth she brought me

Jisoo: "breakfast is almost ready"

Jennie: "What is for breakfast?"

Jisoo: "eggs some toast, beacon and some rice"

Jennie: "I don't wanna eat that!"

Jisoo: "then what do want to eat"

Jennie: "You~"

I immediately blushed

Jisoo: "you can't eat me"

Jennie: "why?"

Jisoo: "because Chae and Lisa are coming"

Jennie: "that means I still can eat you"

Jisoo: "what?"

Jennie: "you said I can't because Chae and Lisa are coming that means after they leave I can eat you"

Jisoo: "N-no! I didn't mean that way!"

Jennie: "Mhmm"

The door bell rang

Jisoo: "Can you get it?"

Jennie: "yeah"

I heard Jennie say Hi to Lisa and Chae. I grabbed 4 dishes and prepared the food.

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