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Jisoo POV

Jennie woke up early than usual, I wondered why?

Jisoo: "Jennie why are we waking up this early?"

Jennie: "I'm meeting up with Kai"

Jisoo: "that man again?!"

Jennie: "it's just business Jisoo"

Jisoo: "I trust you then"

Jennie: "good now get out of bed"

Of course, I don't trust Jennie, that Kai dude seems off to me

I took a shower and changed into a crop top and ripped jeans. I went downstairs, Jennie was cooking

Jennie: "Jisoo go change into a t-shirt"

Jisoo: "why?"

Jennie: "Your exposing abs"

Jisoo: "but but—"

Jennie: "nope, no excuses, go change"

I grumbled as I went upstairs to change. I changed into a black t-shirt and went back downstairs.

Jennie: "Mmmmmm much better, now let's eat"

We quickly ate and got into my car

Jisoo: "where's the meeting going to be this time?"

Jennie: "Kai's company this time"

Jisoo: "okay. Address?"

Jennie: "**********"

Jisoo: "alright here we go"

It took about 20 minutes from our house

Jisoo: "we're here"

We went out of the car, the building looked very clean and very secured, I feel uneasy

Jisoo: "I'll meet you at the lobby I need to grab something from my trunk"

Jennie: "okay"

Jennie walked towards the entrance, I went to my trunk. I opened my trunk and grabbed out a pistol

Jisoo: "this might get in handy"

I took out a gun strap and wrapped it around my right thigh, I put my pistol into the pouch.
I took some extra ammo too.

Jisoo: "all good to go"

I walked towards the lobby, I stopped in my tracks when I see Jennie and Kai talking. Kai was smiling weirdly, he was also pretty close which I didn't like. I coughed to get there attention

Jennie: "oh hey babe"

That's the first time she called me that

Jisoo: "Hey"

Kai: "welcome too my company"

Jisoo: "it's a nice clean place here"

Kai: "indeed"

Jennie: "where will we be have our meeting?"

Kai: "oh this way please"

He lead us too the elevator, he pushed the 7th floor and we started to go up. The elevator opened and we started to walk to a dark place this is really weird

Kai: "I know this is a really dark place"

Jennie: "it's okay"

They sat down and I was behind Jennie.
I was looking at Kai mostly, his face details.
Kai's face had some similars to my brother.

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