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Jennie P.O.V

Doctor: "Get her to the surgery room!!"

Nurse: "there's too much blood!!"

Doctor: "just get her to the surgery room!! She needs immediately surgery!!"

Nurse 2: "she's losing too much blood!!"

Doctor: "just get her to the surgery room!! Before she dies!!"

Doctor 2: "what's going on?!"

Doctor: "J! Go and get as much blood A you can get!! Quick!"

Doctor 2: "get to the surgery room!!"

They all quickly rush to 305 surgery room. I was standing there crying my heart out.

Speakers: "Can 5 more doctors and 10 more nursers go to 305 surgery room."

Chaeyoung and Lisa and Jisoo's dad went to surgery also to get the bullet got of them but the doctors and nurses weren't screaming or yelling when they first saw Lisa, Chaeyoung and Jisoo's dad.

Jisoo's mother: "Jennie, we need to wash our hands and get changed. Let's go home"

I looked at my bloody hands

Jisoo's blood
I jumped in my seat. I gasped.

Jis Mother: "Jennie are you okay?"

Jennie: "I just had a dream about what happened yesterday w-when w-we e-entered t-the h-hospital."

Jis mother hugged me. I started to cry again.
Jisoo's in intense care unit. She's in a private room. Lisa, Chaeyoung and Jis father are all in the same room, there going to wake up soon.
I'm in front of Jisoo's room, I couldn't handle seeing her in her condition right now
A doctor suddenly came out of now where

Doctor: "there awake"

Jennie: "we could see them?"

Doctor: "yes, Chaeyoung and Lisa will recover in 24 hours there body is very health.
Chris (Jisoo's father) it'll take 2 days but there all health ready to go home this weekend"

Jisoo's mother: "that's exciting news how about Jisoo?"

Doctor: "she's still in critical condition, I actually have to check her right now. You guys should check Chaeyoung, Lisa and Chris"

We nodded and bowed he bowed back. I wanted to cry about Jisoo but I cried so much that I don't have any more tears to cry anymore We walked to the room. When we entered they were all being feed

Lisa: "Jen!"

Chaeyoung: "OMG it's you!"

Nurses: "there a bit high, we gave them drugs to control the pain"

Jisoo's father: "honey wanna smash?"


Lisa: "Is it Jen her hen?"

Jennie: "it's Jen"

Chaeyoung: "Lisa I think you're name is is—"

Lisa: "babe!"

Chaeyoung: "omg it is!"

Jennie: "Chae you just said her name"

Chaeyoung: "I did?"

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