Jennie's Time Of The Month

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Jisoo's POV 

It's been about 5-6 months of me and Jennie dating its the best months I have ever experienced ever since I got kicked out from my own home. I love to wake up next to My love of my life and spending ever single second with her but the only part I personally don't like is when Jennie is on her period and today is the day.

Jennie: "Chu Chu it hurts!!!"

Jisoo: "Go to the bathroom" I grumbled still trying to get some sleep

Jennie: "no!! can you help me"

I sighed as I got out of bed and helped Jennie to the bathroom

Jennie: "Thank you"

I nodded, she entered the bathroom, as I jumped back into bed.

As I jumped in bed Jennie screamed my name

Jennie: "KIM JISOO!!!!"

I grumbled as I got out of bed and went to the bathroom

Jisoo: "What?"

Jennie: "I want to cuddle" she said opening the door

I smiled at her, she's so cute with that pout.
I pinched her cheeks

Jisoo: "Okay mandu"

We went back to bed. I closed my eyes with Jennie on top of me, snuggled in my neck.

I woke up feeling something wet on my neck.
I opened my eyes to see Jennie crying while holding her stomach.

I sat up with Jennie on my lap facing me

Jisoo: "Mandu don't cry does that hurt that much?"

Jennie nodded

Jisoo: "do you want me to get you some
pain killers?"

Jennie nodded again. I was about to move Jennie but she stopped me.

Jennie: "Nooooo don't leave me"

Jisoo: "I have to get you pain killers"

Jennie: "but-but I don't want you to leave"

She started to cry. Jennie's mood swings can change very fast it could be crying than the next second she's horny.

Jisoo: "okay okay I'm not going to move you"

Jennie smiles and clung onto me like a kola, I stood up with Jennie cling on to me. I put one of my arms under her butt so she won't fall easily. I walked downstairs to see Jessie cooking.

Jisoo: "Good morning"

Jessie: "good morning"

Jennie: "get me pain killers!!! It hurts!!!" She whines like a kid while hitting my back

I gave Jessie a nod and she understood, she stopped cooking and looked for pain killers.

I went to the living room while Jennie was still whining, I sat down on the couch with Jennie on my lap facing me.

Jennie: "It hurts!!!" Jennie said hitting me in the chest.

Jisoo: "Aish!!!"

I grabbed her wrists to stop her from hitting me

Jennie: "let me go!!!"

Jisoo: "stop hitting me than"

Jennie: "no!!! Get me pain killers!!"

I was done with Jennie's whining so I kissed her hard. The kiss was started to get hot and deep, Jennie pulled away because she needed air. I grabbed the remote controller and turned on the TV. Jennie was still catching her breath, she finally stopped whining. Jennie turned around with her back facing me now, I wrapped my arms around her waist and put my chin on her shoulder.

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