Bringing Her Home

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Jennie POV

I groaned. I feel like I just woke up from another drunk night. The headache I have right now is unbearable.
I felt my left hand is in somebody's hold. I looked to my left it was Jisoo.

She was sleeping soundly. I smiled.

Jennie: "Jisoo"

Jisoo: "Hmmm?"

Jennie: "wake up"

Jisoo let go my hand and rubbed her eyes.
I was disappointed when she let go of hand

Jisoo: "You're awake! I'll go get a doc"

I nodded. I closed my eyes until Jisoo and a doc came in.

Doc: "Hello Jennie, it's good to see awake"

Jennie: "Yeah"

Doc: "How do you feel?"

Jennie: "I have a massive headache that's killing me"

Doc: "The headache should be gone, in a few days and you're being released today."

I nodded

Doc: "somebody is going have to look after you"

Jennie: "Who?"

Doc: "A family member? Or a friend?"

Jisoo: "I'll take care of her"

Doc: "okay then, you could be released right now. I need to talk to you first"

Jennie: "wait—"

The doc and Jisoo left.
Jisoo is going have to take care of me?
I sighed.

Jisoo: "Jen"

Jennie: "Hmmmm?"

Jisoo: "I'll be staying in you're house for a few weeks"

Jennie: "you don't need to, I could take care myself. I don't want to bother you."

Jisoo: "it's fine plus I want to take care of you"

I blushed.

Jisoo: "Are you blushing?"

Jennie: "N-no...!"

I covered my red face with my hands.
I felt a hand go under my chin.
I released my hands that is in front of my face
The hand underneath my chin made me look up. I stared in Jisoo's eyes.

Jisoo: "You've got beautiful eyes"

I blushed, I tried to cover my face again but Jisoo didn't let me. Jisoo leaned in, I immediately closed my eyes.

Jisoo: "get dressed, let's go home"

I nodded, Jisoo still didn't let go. I was confused. She kissed my cheek. I immediately blushed. I quickly got out of bed and went to the bathroom

Jisoo: "you're clothes are inside already!"

Jisoo POV

I sat down, closed my eyes

Lisa: "so you're going to take care of her?"

Jisoo: "yeah, I'm in the hospital right now"

Lisa: "well good luck then"

Jisoo: "that tone doesn't sound to good Lalisa"

Lisa: "You're going to be facing the whining Jennie, the baby Jennie, the sassy Jennie, the moody Jennie. The horny Jennie. And if you do something she doesn't like or you don't listen to her you're going to get a punishment.
Oh and she's going to hit you too like hard..."

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