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Jennie POV

I'm in my office working, while Jisoo is sleeping on the couch

Jennie: "Irene!!!"

The door opened quickly, with Jisoo jumping up with her hands turning into a fist ready to fight

Jisoo: "oh it's just you"

I was laughing my head off

Jisoo: "stop laughing," Jisoo said with a pout

Jennie: "okay okay"

Irene: "Do you need anything?"

Jennie: "Oh umm yes, this documentary says that a company wants to work together?"

Irene: "Oh yes, his name is Kim Jong-in owner of Beyond Closet"
( I searched up popular Korean clothes brand and Beyond closet is one lol but I'm not sure)

Jennie: "I see is there any more information?"

Irene: "If you want to work with him, I can make a meeting"

Jennie: "okay, make a meeting"

Irene: "let me check when you are available"

"she's never available, she's mine" I heard Jisoo whisper

I smiled as I heard that

Jisoo: "why are you smiling like that?

Jennie: "nothing"

"Is it because of that stupid boy" I heard Jisoo whispered as she slumped back onto the couch

Jennie: "you can leave now Irene"

Irene bowed and left.

Jennie: "Chu~"

Jisoo: "what"

Jennie: "come here Chu~"

Jisoo: "no I want to sleep"

Jennie: "please Chu~"

Jisoo lazily went to me

Jennie: "I heard what you whispered"

Jisoo: "whatttttt? I don't know what you're talking about"

Jennie: "don't act stupid, I heard what you said"

Jisoo blushed

Jisoo:" whatever"

Jisoo went back to the couch and I went back on the paperwork's

After about 2 hours or so. The door opened

Irene: "Sorry I didn't knock but—"

Jisoo:" who's he?" Jisoo said pointing to man standing next Irene

Irene: "This is Kim Jong-in"

Jong-in: "hello nice to meet you, please call me kai"

Jennie: "okay welcome kai"

Kai: "thank you"

Jennie: "Irene please lead Kai to the meeting room"

Irene: "Okay, this way"

Jisoo was grumbling

Jennie:" Chu~ are you jealous~?"

Jisoo: "n-no"

Jennie: "well I'm going to the meeting room than"

Jisoo: "wait for me!!!"

I walked as Jisoo was behind me. I was about to enter the meeting room when all of a sudden Jisoo pulled me and kissed me

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