Helping Chaeyoung

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3rd person POV

It was the next morning. The sun light hitting Jisoo's face making her groan. Jisoo sat up and got out of bed stretching. She did her morning routine. Taking a shower, brushing her teeth, Changing out of Pj's. She than remembered that she gotta help Chaeyoung being her bodyguard so she changed into all black.
She than walked into the kitchen where Chaeyoung was waiting for her.

Jisoo POV

"Good morning unnie"  Chaeyoung said while eating pancakes

"Good morning pasta" I said back

"Here's some food if you want some unnie" Chaeyoung said while showing me the extra pancakes

"Thanks pasta" I said

"Okay unnie remember you have to be my bodyguard today" Chaeyoung said

"Mhmm" I hummed while eating

"Unnie this might be hard" Chaeyoung said

"Okay how?" I asked while still eating my delicious pancakes

"Unnie the fans know where I work" Chaeyoung said

"How?!" I asked

"So umm this morning I was scrolling through the internet until I found my self. One of the fan saw me work at the local grocery. The fan than posted the grocery store picture were I work at and the fan also posted the address" Chaeyoung said while looking at me with a sweaty face

"Oh god chae. How much people viewed the article?" I asked

"10,000,000 something" Chaeyoung said

"What?! That much people?" I said kinda of yelling

"Yep" Chaeyoung said while popping a grape into her mouth

'Oh god I might be dead today' I thinked

"Unnie you won't be dead" Chaeyoung said like reading through my mind

"But...but there's so much people know we're you work at " I said

"Unnie you know how to fight and you better do a good job cause you know how crazy the fans are to just to get information on Lisa" Chaeyoung said

"I know but how am I supposed to go to the gym?" I asked

I go to the gym everyday every single afternoon.

"Being my bodyguard is like going to the gym"
Chaeyoung said "Oh would you look at the time I need to go to work unnie come on let's go" Chaeyoung said

"Okay okay" I said while stuffing my face with pancakes

We went to Chaeyoung's car oh and I have my driver license it's just that I don't have a car but I do use Chaeyoung's car sometimes

After about 10 minutes we were at the grocery store and OH MY GOD there's so much people like how much does these fans want information on lalisa.

"Okay unnie this is it you gotta protect me" Chaeyoung said kinda of scared and nervous

"Okay okay I got this" I whispered to myself

When we got out of the car the fans rushed to Chaeyoung and oh my god some of them even tackled Chaeyoung I had to pray them off of Chaeyoung good thing I workout. Even one of them tried to fight me because I was getting out of the way of Chaeyoung. It was a guy who tried to fight he was strong. He punched me in the face ouch... I heard Chaeyoung yelling "Oh My Gosh unnie are you okay!" The guy took a advantage and tackled Chaeyoung. I kicked the guy and he stood up with a bloody nose and started throwing punches at me I dogged most of them and threw a punch that stunned him and he fell onto the ground I got a bloody lips thanks to that guy. I turned around and saw Chaeyoung got tackled on the floor again I again had to pray the fan off of Chaeyoung the fan all of sudden punched me in the stomach ouch that hurt a lot. The fan than started to kick me. The fan got a few good kicks but I luckily caught the foot and I slammed the fan into the ground ouch he might have broken a few bones. I looked over to Chaeyoung she was standing there like ever one else watching me. I just took Chaeyoung's hands and we went inside the grocery store.

"Unnie are you okay?" Chaeyouny asked

I had a few cuts on my lips and my stomach got a few bruises

"Yea are you okay?" I asked

"Yes and wait unnie I have to get a kit for you those cuts looks serious" Chaeyoung said while running to get one

Oh god that last guy I slammed him into the ground he was surprising light so I practically threw him into the air and slammed him. I kinda feel bad he might of broken his arms and one of his leg and he might have a concussion.

"Unnie I'm back" Chaeyoung said while holding the kit

"Okay" I said

"Unnie this might hurt" Chaeyoung said

"Ouch!" I said while Chaeyoung put some alcohol on my lips

"Sorry unnie" Chaeyoung said

After we were done Chaeyoung had to open up the store so practically the whole day I was fighting or praying someone off of Chaeyoung
Pasta was right its practically a workout.

At the end of the day I ended up with a lot bruises and cuts all over my body ugh those lalisa fans

We were running to go to the car when suddenly a fan tackled me than a another fan tackled Chaeyoung I could hear Chaeyoung screaming pain I prayed off the fan that was on me and kicked him in the balls that must of hurt. I than ran to Chaeyoung and prayed off that fan he punched me in the stop stomach that made me cough out blood ugh I think I got punched in the stomach to many times he than smirked at me and threw a punch I grabbed his arm and bent it that cause him to scream in pain than I threw a punch that knocked him down I went to Chaeyoung and picked her up and went to car. I putted pasta in the back seat and I started to drive away.

'What a day what a day' I thinked

When we arrived I got out of the car and picked up Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung is knocked out because that fan tackled her hard into the ground.

When I got into the lobby all eyes were on me I just smiled. I got to the elevator and the people who were inside made me space it's like there scared of me.

When the elevator finally reached my floor I got out man there was so much tension inside that elevator.

I placed Chaeyoung onto her bed and checked her if she had any cuts on her head which thank god she didn't have any. I changed Chaeyoung into pjs and I went inside of my room I took all of my clothes off and oh my god I had a lot of cuts and bruises on my body there's even one on my abs my poor abs I worked had to get those. I went and got kit and fixed my self.

After about 1 hour I finally bandaged my cuts and I went to sleep. While thinking 'I guess this is how bodyguard job is like'

Yo Yo wassss up pips I did another update I hope you enjoyed it. I tried my best for the fighting parts you know. Plz vote and comment and plz share my story
- the Arthur

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