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I checked the time on my phone and noticed that it was 9:58 in the morning. I had already packed the things I wanted to bring with me, which were clothes, shoes, bags, makeup, hair supplies, hygiene supplies, my weapons, and jewelry. I didn't want to carry any photos of my family because I felt that it would make moving much harder and make me feel as if my move would be permanent.

As I walked down the stairs with the intent to grab a snack before I'd go, the doorbell rang. I checked my phone and noticed that it was ten on the dot. Dominic apparently didn't play with his schedule. I opened the door and invited him inside. My luggages were already by the door, so I quickly ran to the kitchen and grabbed a croissant and banana. By the type I walked back to where I had left Dominic to go pack my bags in his car, I noticed that my bags and Dominic were gone. I looked outside the door, as he had left it open, and noticed that he was packing my last bag inside the car. I quickly checked my back pocket to make sure I had my keys, and once feeling them, I stepped outside and locked the door.

Timely, Dominic closed the trunk and looked up exactly when I decided to look at him. My first instinct was to look away, but when I noticed him furrowing his eyebrows, I got a bit confused.

"You're not eating that in my car," he said while looking at my croissant. I sighed while rolling my eyes and quickly ate the croissant. I wasn't a messy eater, so it annoyed me a bit that he was treating me like a kid. "The banana too."

While throwing my hands up in the air to express my frustration, I complained, "The banana won't even make a mess!"

"And where will you put the peel when you're all done?" Dominic asked while raising an eyebrow.

Rolling my eyes, I replied, "I'll hold it in my hand until I can access a bin." Dominic didn't even bother to respond. He just rolled his eyes and opened the car door for me to enter. Annoyed, I entered the car and sat down. "Thanks."

He closed the door without mentioning that I was welcome and walked over to his seat. He got in and started the car, and within the matter of seconds, we were heading towards his house. "You're welcome," he mumbled once silence fell upon us, but even after that, the silence in the car was very loud and awkward. I had never been in a car belonging to anyone of the King family, so that was the very first thing that was weird. Secondly, Dominic and I had never been friends, despite knowing each other for 21 years.

There was a time when his family and mine had been doing business together, but even when Dominic, Autumn, Michael- Dominic's younger brother that was two years older than me- and me were forced to be in the same environment with each other, we never got along. Dominic and Michael were always snobby and bossy, while Autumn and I were chill and didn't like being ordered around. In other words, even as children- before the dispute that occurred- the Winter children despised the King children, and vice versa. That was part of the reason why I knew it was going to be very weird being Dominic's wife, although feelings wouldn't be involved on either side of the spectrum. Additionally, in some ways Dominic and I were strangers. We didn't know a lot of personal facts about each other.

"Dominic?" I called while staring outside my window. I always enjoyed watching the car drive pass trees and houses. It was soothing to me.

Dominic replied, "Yeah?"

"We need to know some personal facts about each other," I answered. "I only know stuff from when we were young."

"Like?" Dominic questioned, so I adjusted my posture in my seat and stared at him instead of outside my window.

I sighed and replied, "Your favorite color is black, I think. I know your middle name is Alec, but that's google-able. Your mother calls...called you Bumble Bee, um....you wanted to be a model at one point- even though you'll clearly break the cam-"

"Hater," Dominic smirked. "My favorite color is still black, and everything else you've said is true. My favorite movies are Chuckie and-"

I cut him off teasing, "No surprise there. I can clearly see the resemblance."

Dominic stuck his middle finger up at me before continuing, "And Rush Hour. Vanilla ice cream is my favorite flavor and thing to eat, I model, you hater, you're clearly my biggest fan, and my favorite type of car has always been and will always be a Lamborghini Aventador."

While nodding I replied, "This won't be as bad as I thought. We surprisingly have things in common, like the movies, the car, and the ice cream- only I also favor Cookies and Cream, Rainbow Sherbet, Grape nut, and Rum and Raisin. My favorite color is white, by the way."

"That should be easy to remember," he nodded. "Do you have s favorite wine?"

While shaking my head, I replied, "I don't drink."

"Okay," he nodded. Going from the basic level question to a more personal one, Dominic asked, "Are you a virgin?"

While blushing, I replied, "I don't think we'll be asked about that, and if we are asked about our fake sex life, we can always lie."

Dominic looked at me for a moment before focusing on the road once more. He stayed silent as he turned into a private backroad. When we encountered a very tall wall that couldn't be climbed unless the person trying to climb it had a ladder, he took out a small, black mouse that could be easily mistaken for car keys without the key, and pressed the green button. When the gate opened, he drove through the private lane, which led to a large mansion- nothing unexpected because the Kings were known for showing off. My parents' house was a mansion as well, but it wasn't as architecturally ostentatious as Dominic's for the simple fact that they liked a more calm setting. With the Kings, everything was for show. Dominic pulled up into the driveway, and the door to his garage opened. He drove inside and parked the all black Bugatti that we were in next to his black Cadillac and black Ducati.

"That question was for my knowledge," Dominic said while looking at me. "Since we won't be in a relationship with anyone else, including no one night stands and what not, and since I still have...needs..."

While giving him an unamused look, I replied, "Not happening."

He then winked, "You'll change your mind."

A/N: Was Dominic joking around? Was he actually serious? Will Summer eventually give in to him?
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