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Our chauffeur for the night opened the car door, and Dominic got out first before helping me out. Cameras were already flashing, and questions were already being thrown at us.

Dominic and I were at Avery's, a friend of ours that was a well known pop singer, birthday party because we both felt that we needed a debrief. Running three companies was no joke, and it didn't help that we had deaths to avenge.

"How does it feel knowing that all six companies are doing even better than they were before?" someone yelled.

Dominic and I answered in unison, "Stressful but worth it." We looked at each other and chuckled, and he took my hand in his.

"Are you two expecting any children yet?" another person asked.

Dominic joked, "You calling my wife fat or something?" causing everyone to chuckle.

"Not yet," I answered. Truth be told, I wanted to visit a doctor because no matter how many times we had unprotected sex, I could not get pregnant. We had been trying for an entire month, and I was beginning to wonder if there was something wrong with me.

Dominic smirked, "Key word being yet, of course," and everyone once again chuckled as blush crept to my cheeks.

We then walked off and entered the party. Music was already playing, and many celebrities were dancing and chatting. A few approached us and gave their in-person condolences, even though they had called, emailed, or texted us their condolences already, and some spoke to me about outfits they wanted me to make. Dominic even contributed in the arguments by suggesting outfit ideas.

Time was spent like this until the birthday girl arrived, and all the music was stopped as the doors opened. She appeared in front of it and everyone began applauding her as the classical band began playing elegant music. She walked down the red carpet in the dress I had designed for her, and I could tell that everyone was in awe of it. I knew my sales would drastically increase after tonight, especially because I would be releasing a new line at midnight. That meant that I would have another fashion show soon, and like two months ago, I was extremely nervous for it.

When Avery approached Dominic and I, she gave us hugs and thanked me for making the dress. She then walked on stage and approached the mic.

"Goodnight, everyone," Avery smiled, and everyone in the ball began cheering. She chuckled and held her chest while slightly blushing. "I would like to thank you all for coming. It means so much to me. I thank you for support in not only my music but also friendship. I also want to give a very huge thank you to Summer, who made this beautiful dress for me. I honestly wouldn't have shown my face if I couldn't find a perfect dress. You all, this was so last minute on my part, and Summer was just absolutely amazing. She designed and made it for me in two days!" Everyone began applauding me, causing me to blush from the attention. I hid my face in Dominic's chest, causing everyone to chuckle, and Dominic caressed my back while pressing soft kisses on my temple. "I know she probably wanted the honors of the following message to be hers, but she's dropping another line tonight at 12, and you should all check that out. The last got sold out within three weeks, so let's get this one to two weeks or less. As you all know, I also have two songs from my album dropping tonight, and because Summer is the most sweetest person alive, I get to feature a few clothing from the line in both videos, so also look out for those. Once again, thank you all for showing up. I love you all, and I hope we all enjoy this night. Thank you!"

We applauded her once more, and the music came on while the waitresses began walking around with drinks and appetizers.

I looked up at Dominic, who smiled down at me with loving eyes. Never in a million years would I picture us like this. Even four months ago, I couldn't picture him and I being married or romantically involved. Everyday was like a dream come true, even though the dream came with a nightmare we would never forget. We were healing together, and that was all that mattered.

Dominic smooched my lips, making me giddy inside. He smiled, "Care to dance, love?" I slightly blushed while nodding, and we walked to the center of the room. I placed a hand on his shoulder, and he placed one of his on my waist. He then took my other hand in his and gently pulled me towards his chest. We slowly swayed to the song playing while staring lovingly into one another's eyes.

"You're so beautiful, babe," he smiled, making me blush all over again.

I smiled, "Thanks, my handsome Prince Charming."

He chuckled before biting his bottom lip a bit. He then brought up, "You know how I have a photo shoot coming up, right?" I nodded while smiling. Besides having three large successful businesses, my husband also had a very successful modeling career that, like his companies, had grown exponentially over the past four months. "Well, I was wondering if you'd like to be in them- like a couple thing. You'd also have your solo shoots too. I just thought a couple pic would be cute."

I smiled, "I'd love to. Do you also wanna take couple photos for the new line?"

He smiled, "Hell yeah. Everyone gotta know your mine, you know." I giggled and he chuckled before smooching my lips once more.

"I wanna visit a clinic or something soon," I brought up.

Dominic frowned, "Why? Is everything alright?" I shrugged and scrounged my lips to the side. "Are you referring to the pregnancy situation?" I nodded, and he chuckled softly. "You do remember that your period is irregular, right?" I had completely forgotten about that. I didn't get my period every month, and when I would receive it, I never experienced pain or anything. I'd only have a slight ache in my back on the first day, but after a Tylenol, I'd be good for the remaining two to three days that I'd have it. I was blessed in that way, but that also meant that there was a possibility of not having children as easily as women that had monthly cycles.

I frowned, "Wait, how do you know that?"

He chuckled, "Remember last year when we ran into each other and you got angry when you saw me even though you had been smiling before seeing me? I joked that you were always on your period, and you defended yourself by saying that it didn't come every month."

I was surprised he had remembered that moment. We had only talked for like five minutes that day before he got me upset and I walked away from him. I think we were at a party while I was on vacation from school.

"How obsessed were you?" I joked. I always had a low key crush for him, so if anything, I was the one who was obsessed with him.

He winked, "Very and I still am." I blushed once more and smooched his cheek. I then looked around us and noticed other couples dancing around us. A waiter walked over to us to ask us if we wanted a drink, which was on a platter, and we shook our heads. The waiter nodded and walked away. On his spare hand was what looked like a tattoo. I tugged myself from Dominic's body and grabbed the waiter's hand. I shoved up the sleeve, and catching on, Dominic walked over to him.

"Where'd you get this tat-" before I could finish my sentence, however, the waiter tugged his hand out my hold and threw the glasses of champagne into mine and Dominic's face before running off.

Dominic and I quickly wiped our face before looking around for the waiter, but we couldn't see him. We then spotted a back door opening, so we quickly ran towards it.

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