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A knock sounded on my door, causing me to jump in shock. "Hold on," I yelled. I quickly stuffed myself away and closed the tab on my phone. I then limped to my bathroom, which was connected to my bedroom, and washed my hands. I took out my ear pods and placed them in the case before limping to my bed. Once I was laying on the bed, I invited Summer in.

"Hey," she smiled. She had a few ice packs in her left hand and a big bag of purple Doritos in her other hand. She walked over to my bed and sat at the edge of it. "How's your ankle?"

My heart was still beating rapidly due to having to rush around, so I had to force myself to speak slowly so that I'd sound calm. "Better," I answered.

She faintly smiled, "You sound unsure. Is it better or is it the same?"

"Better," I confirmed. "It still hurts, however."

She nodded while staring at my ankle. While lifting an ice pack, she questioned, "May I?"

I nodded in response and she placed the pack on my ankle. The pack was very cold, but it helped to take my mind off the throbbing pain I was feeling. Summer placed the other two ice packs on different angles of my ankle. Her eyes then flickered to mind, and she offered a warm small. Somehow, it was as if her smile told me that everything would be okay. It was very pacifying.

"Thanks," I thanked while staring intently into her eyes.

She nodded, "Your welcome. I also brought a snack." She actually brought two, the chips and herself. "Do you mind if I lay next to you?" I shook my head, and she climbed into bed with me. She then opened the bag of chips and placed it on my chest before taking out a chip and throwing it in her mouth. I took a chip out and threw it into my mouth as well. I was surprised that she had wanted to lay beside me, given what happened two days ago, but she was surprisingly unfazed by it. Even yesterday, she treated me as if nothing happened. "When your ankle heals, we can start working, and after work I'd like to train with you."

I smiled, "Like the old days?"

"Yeah," she smiled while staring deeply into my eyes. "I don't want to get rusty. We have a murderer to take care of after all, no?"

"Hell yeah, we do," I nodded, "and you're on. We'll hop into it as soon as my ankle stops being a bitch."

She chuckled and nodded in response before dipping her hand in the bag of chips. She then brought a chip to my mouth, causing my eyebrows to narrow a bit. While intently watching her, I ate the chip from her fingers. I then took out a chip and raised it to her mouth, and she ate it without refusal. Her eyes then flickered beyond my waist, so I threw my covers over my waist to hide my hardness.

"Should I go?" she hesitated to ask but asked nonetheless.

I shook my head, "No. That was before you came in the room. I'm sorry you had to see that."

"It's cool," she nodded. She then took out another chip and fed it to me.

After eating the chip, I questioned, "Why are you being so kind to me?"

She stared into my eyes and was silent for a while before shrugging. "The past few days I've been trying to find out why we never got a long, but I can't really find an issue. We just tease each other a lot, sometimes to the point where we get annoyed with each other and argue, but we don't really have an issue with each other. I was thinking...that...it would be nice if we actually were to get along. Like you said, we only have each other now. It's best we get along."

"I agree," I replied while feeding her a chip, "but you don't have to do all of this. Why are you doing it?"

She sighed, "Because." I raised my eyebrows, patiently waiting for my answer. "Because I care about you, Dominic. I've always cared about you."

"Which is why I don't understand why you're being so nice. You've expressed that you cared about me in multiple ways throughout your 21 years of life. You've never, however, expressed it like the way you have been expressing it this week," I pointed out, but she only shrugged in response. "Fine, but we'll talk about this another time."

Summer sat up and said, "Since you want so badly to talk about this, you've been really nice to me too. Why is that?"

"Nice," I sighed, "flip the question on to me. That's great."

"Answer up," she demanded.

I sat up and replied, "I asked you first."

"You're how old again?" Summer teased, causing us both to chuckle a bit.

"Stop playing with me," I smiled, "or we might end up training today."

Summer giggled before teasing, "I wouldn't want to hurt that ankle of yours."

"If you can even get a hit in," I mocked.

She smiled, "You really wanna do this? It'll be very unfair to you."

"Cowardice behavior," I teased. "Let's go."

We both got on our knees on the bed, and she smiled, "You're on!"

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