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"Okay, what convention did we go to five years ago and who has been making recent requests to buy our companies?" Dominic asked aloud.

The convention that I went to five years ago was the last convention I had went to, but I wasn't too sure of the name of the building we were in. I shrugged, "It was definitely in California. I can only remember that much."

Dominic played with the stubble of hair that was growing back on his chin before looking to me and frowning, "The Madison?" My eyebrows raised in response, due to the fact that the name sounded very familiar.

"Yeah, I think so," I nodded. "We need the attendance list and possibly video footage. Do you think they'll still have it though? That was five years ago!"

Dominic bit his bottom lip in thought before shrugging, "We'll just have to ask and see." He then took his phone out his back pocket and dialed a number. "Hey, Jeff, what's up?" I remembered Jeff as one of Dominic's annoying friends. I used to hate it when the two would hang out because they'd do a bunch of pranks on people and be complete assholes to everyone. If they weren't doing that, they were playing video games or talking about girls and parties, being dudes, but then they'd eventually start provoking people for absolutely no reason. "Are you still in Cali?....Perfect. Can you do something for me?....Yeah, if you could do it right now, that would be great....You can?...Aight. Can you drive down to The Madison and get a print out of the attendance sheet from five years ago, along with a copy of video surveillance?....Oh, you're into hacking now?...Oh shit, that's kinda dope, bro. So you think you can just hack in and get it?...Damn, I mean you gotta teach me this shit. That's fucking insane, bro....Yeah, I'm deadass...Wait-what? That fast?...Damn, send it to my email." Dominic opened his MacBook Pro and unlocked it. He then went into his gmail and smiled as he opened a message. "Damn, thank you, yo. That was honestly great work....Oh, yeah, our marriage is legit. Yeah, the news keep talking about it....Yeah, it's been five or six months now....Yeah, we're actually thinking about having an actual wedding, you know. Of course, you'd definitely be my best man...Yeah I'll send you the invitation and everything when we finalize the plans. How's the girls and Kaley?...Oh, that's great man....Yeah, I'm really happy for you...That's dope. Yeah, text me the details and we'll fly out for it...Aight cool, later bro, and thanks again. Aight, bye." Dominic hung up and turned to me. "So, he hacked in and got the info, and he and his wife are throwing a holiday party next weekend and invited us."

"Cool," I nodded. "It's nice knowing he settled down."

Dominic chuckled, "He said the same about me." I chuckled and shook my head in amusement, and Dominic sat on the chair in front his laptop. He then patted his laps, and I sat on them and looked on the laptop along with him. We were watching the surveillance video.

"Look," I said while pointing to the guy. I paused the video and zoomed in on his name tag. "Alex Trevino."

Dominic pulled the attendance file up and scrolled down to last names beginning with the letter T. We then attentively scrolled for his name until we found his information.

"Alex Trevino from Trevbots Incorporated," Dominic read aloud. "Isn't that one of the biggest robotic corporations out there?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "I get wanting your tech company and mine as well, but why my fashion company and private law firm? Why your medicine company and sports agency?"

Dominic shrugged, "Maybe he's found a way to do what everyone has been asking if we plan to do: merge the companies to make larger profits."

I thought about what Dominic was saying and nodded in response. I could see how somethings overlapped and would actually make us billionaires overnight, as opposed to the millionaires we were.

"Well, now that we know who he is, when do you wanna go after him?" I asked.

Dominic suggested, "...Now?" I gave a quick nod and climbed off of him. He then went into his walk in closet and came out with a duffel bag. "Let's go."

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