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An alert came in through the house announcing that there was a car by the gate, so I opened the gate by using the electronic remote controller for it. I then stepped outside as the car drove to the front of the house. Duda parked the car and exited with a bright smile on his face as he took in my appearance.

"Hey, you," he smiled sweetly. "You look as beautiful as ever."

I humbly smiled, "Thank you, Duda."

"Where's your pit bull?" Duda asked while trying to peek inside my house.

I corrected, "Husband." I then noted, "It's not okay to disrespect my husband, Duda."

"C'mon, Summer. You're only with him for the media," Duda accused. "I mean, you never talked about him in a good way before until your families died."

I informed, "I've always had a thing for him, Duda. I never told anyone- not even Autumn- about it."

With hurt in his eyes, Duda brought up, "Sophomore year of high school I asked you if you and Dominic were messing around because I had caught the two of you hugging for a while, and you said no."

"And that was the truth," I confirmed.

Duda frowned, "Why were you two hugging then?"

"His grandmother died!" I sighed. "I told you that already."

"But you still had a thing for him then, no?" Duda pressed me.

I stared at the ground in guilt while nodding. I informed, "I never didn't have a crush on him, Duda, but I had put my feelings for him aside while we were dating. I never thought of him in any romantic way while you and I were together, but he was always my crush. I'm sorry."

He inhaled a long breath before nodding, "It's okay, Summer. So...you two are actually in love?"

I blushed, "Yeah."

"And you're actually married to him?" Duda questioned, and I nodded in response. "Okay. Well, if you're happy, then I'm happy for you."

I gratefully smiled, "Thank you, Duda. That means a lot to me."

He smiled and gave a gentle nod before walking to his trunk. He opened it and took out the rocket launcher and a bag that I assumed had ammo in them. While handing the items over, he warned, "Be careful. It's a bit heavy."

I carefully held the items and thanked him. I then gave him a quick hug before he got in his car and left. Dominic, who was waiting in the living room walked to me and grabbed the items before closing the door for me.

Dominic informed, "I overheard your conversation, you know. We could've been together for so many years. I had a crush on your for as long as you've had a crush on me."

"Yeah," I blushed, "but maybe the timing all of those years weren't right then. You know, right person- wrong time. I learned a lot from my past relationships."

"That's true. I learned a lot too," he agreed. "I always knew you were the one I wanted most though. I just never thought I was good enough for you." Dominic placed the items on the table before turning to me. He took my hands in his and smiled, "I can't think of anyone else who deserves to wear both, if any, of the rings on her fingers. I know if my grandmother and the rest of my family were alive, they'd think the same- despite our little feuds with your family. You're the only person in this entire world that I wanna spend the rest of my life with, and I love you so so soooooo much. Sex or no sex, I'm here for you through eternity."

I blushed and passionately kissed his lips, and he kissed me back with the same amount of affection. We then stared lovingly into each other's eyes, and as soon as my lips parted for me to speak, Dominic's phone rang.

He sighed and answered, "Hello?...You're the best! Thanks, bro. Aight, take care." He then tucked his phone away before smirking, "Guess who just got info on where Tony is?"

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