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Warning: mature content below. RAYOR.

Dominic wrapped his arms around my waist, and I went on my tippy toes to connect our lips. Dominic chuckled and hoisted me onto his waist while teasing, "So fucking short."

"Shut up," I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared lovingly into his eyes.

He smirked, "Make me."

I passionately connected our lips, and a wave of tingles invaded my body. The scent of Dominic's peppermint cologne immediately permeated my nostrils, and I began to crave the taste of his peppermint mouth. Knowing what I wanted, Dominic parted his mouth, and I swiftly slid my tongue in. Full of passion, the kiss grew from gentle and soft to hungry and desperate. Our lips were mashing together as we both devoured each other. We had never kissed like this before, but frankly, I was enjoying it a lot.

Upon feeling his member grow, I tightened my legs around his waist. Dominic bit my bottom lip and tugged it, and I groaned while fisting the collar of his shirt. My back then softly came into contact with a hard but smooth surface as the passion and hunger in the kiss continued to grow.

With a quick glide, Dominic slid my dress up to my waist and grabbed my butt, causing me to bite my bottom lip in satisfaction. I pulled his body closer to mine so that his hardened spot could rest directly on my soaking panty, which continued to get wetter the harder he grew.

Teasing him, I gyrated my hips while sucking on his neck. He sank his fingers into my waist while letting out a low groan. He then walked us to the dresser and placed me on top of it. I unzipped my dress, and he pulled it off of me.

As he trailed kisses all over my neck and down to my cleavage, I unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. He jumped out of them, and I hurriedly unbuttoned his shirt. We then connected our lips once more, and Dominic wasted no time in unhooking my bra and yanking it off me. I leaned in further to pull his boxers down and felt my breasts against his warm chest. The simple touch caused us both to let out a groan, and Dominic quickly grabbed a condom out the box and took it out its package. He slid into it with ease before gripping my underwear. His eyes looked up from in between my legs to meet my eyes, as if he were asking for permission. I gave a quick nod, and he shifted my panty and rubbed his piece at my entrance. He slowly eased himself inside, and I buried my nose in the crook of his neck as I sank my nails in his back.

"So tight," he groaned as he pulled out. He then centered himself again and slid in all the way, and I let out a low gasp as I clasped his shoulder. He pulled out halfway and slid himself all the way in again while sinking his nails into my thighs. He then began soft thrusts, which caused me to loosen a bit and made thrusting easier for him.

As he increased his speed, I sucked on his neck while sinking my nails in his back once more. Dominic groaned and lifted my body up while still thrusting in me. Moans escaped my body as my back arched and toes curled. I gripped the edge of the dresser for support, and he thrusted at an even faster pace while sucking one of my breasts. I let out moans after moans as tears of joy brimmed to my eyes. I could feel an urge rushing through my body, begging for release as Dominic took me to a whole new world.

My breathing increased as I felt myself coming nearer to release. I clenched my walls as pants, moans, and groans escaped both of our mouths. I then leaned backwards as my orgasm came, but instead of being kind and pulling out for a while, Dominic tortured me by thrusting in me at an even faster rate.

"Dom!" I gasped, his pace increasing progressively. I could feel myself nearing again, but Dominic didn't care. He only smirked at me as I bit my lip from the tortuous satisfaction I was receiving. I gripped his waist, pulling him in deeper, but regretted it because it made me come much faster than I thought. Though I thought Dominic was at his peak, he disproved me by going even faster, and a tear of joy slid down my cheek. "Fuck!" I cursed as I tried running away. This time, the urge was much more stronger and quite different from the last two. Dominic moaned while sucking my neck before pulling away from my neck and grabbing my waist. As he thrusted even faster, he pulled my body closer to his so that he'd be going all the way inside me. "I-I got-t-t-a-!" I screamed before pushing Dominic away. I squeezed my legs together as I squirted and shuddered uncontrollably. Once I was done, Dominic flung my legs open and made a quick deep thrust before pulling out, and I moaned as I squirted some more. He then beat his piece on me, and short squirts escaped my body as I bit my fist to hold back my screams of joy.

Dominic took the full condom off and tied the end before disposing it. He then picked up a second package and winked at me, and I seductively bit my bottom lip while nodding. I then hopped off the dresser and met him on the bed.

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