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Dominic's POV

Summer's eyes tentatively looked through the menu, squinting a bit when she viewed something interesting. She tucked the right side of her bottom lip into her mouth as she continued reading the menu.

I was supposed to be looking through the menu as well, but I was far more interested in looking at the beauty in front of me. If someone were to tell me two months ago that I'd be on a date with the women of my dreams, I'd honestly laugh in their faces. I never truly thought that Summer and I would be a thing much less date each other. I never thought we'd get married either, but this marriage technically didn't count, being that it was fake. However, I wouldn't mind keeping our relationship status as it was.

Summer looked up at me, and instinctively, my eyes flickered to the menu book in my hands. I then slowly connected eyes with her as my cheeks started to warm up.

"Hey, do you know what you're ordering? I can't decide what to eat," she smiled warmly. Before I could respond, however, a waitress approached us.

The lady smiled, "Goodnight. Would you two like to order?"

Summer looked at me for a moment before looking down at her menu book once more. "Um...I guess I'll have the lobster mac & cheese and firecracker with white rice," Summer answered. "And to drink, I'd like strawberry lemonade."

The waitress wrote everything down and nodded before looking to me. I answered, "I'll have exactly what she ordered

"Okay," the waitress nodded while taking the menu books. She then left the room to put in our orders.

"So...what do you think of the vacation thus far?" Summer asked, causing my eyes to snap to hers.

I smiled, "It's been really fun. You?"

"Same," she answered, but her answer didn't sound very convincing.

I frowned, "I'm sensing a but." She shook her head, but I knew she was hiding how she truly felt. "What is it, love? You don't have to hide the way you feel."

She nodded and inhaled and exhaled a deep breath. She then met my eyes and, in a soft voice, said, "It's just that...ugh...I mean there's no way to sugarcoat this, so I guess I just have to say it how it is. We haven't had sex since we got here, and it's not like I'm saying I wanna have sex every day, but...I've been horny the past four days but because you're not....I just don't say or do anything. I'm a bit frustrated, I guess."

Her cheeks were the brightest red I have ever seen them, so I knew that she must have felt very embarrassed to say all that she had, but she truly had no reason to.

I chuckled a bit while shaking my head. I then smiled, "You don't have to be shy or embarrassed about speaking about these things with me. I haven't tried anything sexual with you because I thought that you felt that we were doing it too much. I'll always be in the mood for you, Summer, always. I don't even care if you wanna do it three times a day. You also shouldn't be afraid to try stuff with me. My body is yours."

She blushed while shyly nodding and looking away. While blushing, she then asked, "Would it be okay if we...you know...tonight?"

"Of course, anytime," I winked, causing her to blush even more. She gulped down her glass over of water, causing me to chuckle lightly. "Would you, by any chance, like to have an official wedding now that we're...you know?"

She twisted her lips to the side, as she normally did whenever she was trying to conceal her smile, and nodded. "My feelings for you are only getting stronger. If you're okay with having an official wedding, then I'd love to."

I smiled at the thought of it all. It would be a lovely scene with the person I was rapidly falling in love with. I confessed, "My feelings for you are becoming stronger as well. I'm...pretty sure I'm falling in love with you."

She bit the the bottom of her lip to suppress her smile, but the corner of her lips gave away that she was smiling widely. "I'm falling in love with you too," she announced while placing her hand on mine. Chills ran down my spine from the contact, and a burst of tingles invaded my body. She made me feel as giddy as she had the first time she had hugged me, which was when I was sixteen.

I raised her hand and brought it to my lips before placing a soft kiss to it, hoping to leave in her the tantalizing feeling my lips felt upon the bare contact of her skin.

A/N: Hey, everyone. I apologize for not posting in such a long time. I have a lot going on right now and won't be able to post as much as I had originally planned to. I will now be posting only on Saturdays. I apologize for my silence and would like to thank you all for your patience and interest in reading this book 🙏🏽✨

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