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Jeff looked at Dominic and me and shook his head. He then spoke on the phone, "Okay, I guess we'll have to ambush them. Take care of Alex's sons and daughter-in-laws." Jeff then hung up the phone and texted something before informing us, "No Circle members showed up. My guys took out the hitmen that the Circle sent, and the others that are stationed around the Circle members' houses are moving in now. It's time to take care of Lumiere and then Alex."

Dominic and I nodded in agreement before all three of us got out the car we were parked in. We then walked to the trunk and opened it so that we were able to choose our weapons. With our guns on silent, we were able to take out the eight body guards without alarming Lumiere and his wife. We then snuck through the back door and decided to spread out. I would cover the first floor, and Dominic and Jeff, the second.

As I slowly crept through the first floor, I spotted Chanel pouring herself a glass of wine in the kitchen. From the angle that I was at, I carefully aimed my gun and took her out with a head shot. I then rushed over to her and caught her body and the glass. The last thing I wanted to do was give off any sound that something was wrong, like a glass shattering or a heavy sound hitting the floor.

I was also thankful that I wore my gloves because I wouldn't have to worry about my fingerprints being left at the crime scene. I continued searching the floor for guards or witnesses to be extra secure before climbing the stairs to check on Dominic and Jeff. Timely, they came walking down with a duffel bag in each hand, causing me to frown.

Jeff smiled, "We found him with two duffels filled with money. What were we supposed to do- leave it for the government?" I chuckled and shook my head, and we left through the back door. "I also took their jewelry for the fun of it."

I smiled, "Extra cash."

We loaded the car, and Jeff told Dominic the location that Alex lived so that he could put it into the GPS. We then began driving towards the location.

"The others are dead," Jeff informed. "It's just Alex Trevino and his wife, Marcy...or Mary. Some shit like that."

Dominic chuckled and nodded in response. He then brought up, "The security protection that Alex should have may be a bit hard to get through. We need to start planning shit instead of winging it like we did back there."

Jeff opened his laptop and informed, "I'll see if there's any tech security, and if there is, I'll start hacking it from now. Would you like me to call for back up too?"

"Yeah, just in case," Dominic nodded. "We don't wanna be stuck on fighting bodyguards and let the slimy little prick slip out of our hands."

"Alright, bet," Jeff nodded before picking up his phone and sending a text. He then went back to typing stuff on his laptop. "Oh, shit!"

"What?" I frowned.

Jeff smiled, "So I was able to pick up from the cameras he has surrounding his property that there are 12 bodyguards surrounding his place. There are two on the roof- snipers, four on the balconies, and the other six on ground level. I was also able to hack his electricity, and because he has a smart house, we can have a lot of fun with that."

"Remember Jonah's 10th birthday party?" Dominic smirked, causing Jeff to chuckle at whatever memory the two shared.

Jeff smirked, "I was thinking the same thing, bro."

While frowning, I informed, "I don't know what you two are referring to, you know!"

Dominic chuckled, "My fault. Jonah is a friend of ours. For his tenth birthday party, we had a quest where all the lights were turned off and we used laser guns to try and take out our opponents to help our team find the treasure. Jeff, Jonah, and I were on the same team and won, of course."

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