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Summer's POV

Mature Content (MC) below. Read At Your Own Risk (RAYOR). This doesn't last for the entire chapter, however, so if you want to skip the MC, look for End of MC below to continue your reading.

As I slept, I felt something tickling my lower tongue. It was moving a bit slowly at first, causing me to shift a bit in bed. When it sped up, however, I found my back slightly arching, causing my eyes to snap open. I stared down at Dominic, whose head was buried between my legs. He looked up at me with his devilish eyes, and I fisted the sheets while throwing my head backwards and closing my eyes. I bit the bottom of my lip to suppress my moan, but it came out anyways, especially because Dominic sank his tongue inside me and curled it.

"Fuck!" I cursed before throwing one of my hands over my mouth. The pace that he was licking me was unreal, and his versatility was even more unreal.

He placed a finger on my clit and rubbed on it at a fast pace while still licking me, causing warm liquid to cascade out of my body. That, however, didn't stop Dominic from continuing his beautiful torture. He licked up my juices and then stuck two of his fingers inside me before rapidly thrusting them in and out.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I cried in ecstasy. I knew my orgasm was near, as I didn't get much recovery time from his mouth before he could thrust his fingers in me. "Babe!" Being the devil he was, he went back to licking me, only he kept thrusting his fingers in me and had even started sucking on my lower tongue. "Oh my g-"

My voice hitched in my throat as more warm liquid was released from my body. Dominic then ran his soaked fingers between my folds, causing more cum to leave my body.

I tugged at his boxers before finally being able to pull him out. He was already standing up, but I stroked him nonetheless. I then rubbed him at my entrance, playing with my clit with his member. We both let out a low groan from frustration, so I pulled him inside of me. He sank deeply before quickly pulling out and gasping.

"What?" I asked while slightly sitting up.

He answered, "The condom. You pulled me inside without a condom on."

I put him back in and with frustration clear in my voice, I sighed, "I don't care. I want you."

"What if I forget to pull out, though?" he asked while slowly thrusting in me.

I shrugged, "If you think you're gonna forget to, then you might as well do it like you wanna put a baby in me."

Dominic smirked, "Heard."

End of MC.

Two hours later

I flipped through the pages in the folder that the Circle had delivered to us. There was something about the tattoo that seemed strangely familiar, but I couldn't wrap my mind around it.

I noticed a few pictures of the crime scene that I hadn't seen last night, and though I knew I'd be very disturbed by them, I needed to know all information I could possible find out.

I inhaled a deep breath as I brought the pictures to my eyes. Apparently, both my family and Dominic's died from headshots.

Dominic exited the bathroom with his towel hanging lowly on him. His hair was slightly dripping onto his chest and shoulders. We had taken separate showers because we knew that we'd take our morning fun there too- despite having five rounds.

He looked so good right now that I was actually considering a sixth round, but I had to focus on solving the case.

"Found anything new?" Dominic questioned while walking over to me. He sat beside me, and his intoxicating scent immediately got locked inside my nostrils.

Focus, I mentally reminded myself.

I nodded, "These pictures. Apparently everyone died from a headshot, but check this out." I pointed to the picture of our dead families, and we both grimaced a bit before focusing on where I was pointing. "The shots weren't from in the front. They're all from the side. I know my family had a personal driver taking them-"

"Mine too," he added.

I continued, "So I'm assuming the killer knew that. I'm also assuming that the killer was a sniper shooter. Look at the car windows where they were most likely sitting together. I'm assuming the bullet shot through the glass, went through all three at once, and straight through the other side of the glass."

Dominic flipped through a few pages, and we found a picture of a golden bullet with a Greek B written on it. He then read the notes on that page before announcing, "This is the only bullet that was found. The other bullet maybe hit a tree or something. There must've been two snipers, however, because my family was supposed to be traveling behind yours. Something might've also stopped them, like someone telling them to pull over. That way, the perfect shots could've been taken."

I nodded in agreement with his answer. I then added, "If we find whoever or whatever caused the stop, we'll either find the shooter, or another clue leading to who the shooter might be."

Dominic added, "And from the looks of it, this might be the act of an organization. A branded bullet? That definitely gotta be a secret society of some sort."

I frowned, "But if the Circle knows who's behind it, why not tell us or personally punish them for murdering members of their so called family?"

Dominic frowned while thinking, and then his eyebrows raised. "What if....the organization, or whatever they are, behind it is bigger- in terms of power- than the Circle? Or maybe the Circle has all of these clues and haven't pieced it together yet either. It has gotta be ether option."

"Something bigger than the Circle?!" I gasped. "I honestly can't imagine that. How secretive must they be? What types of people are in this group? We already have the wealthiest people in the Circle."

Dominic shrugged, "I don't know, but if we can find what caused our families to pullover or stop, we might actually find out."

We stared into each other's eyes with an intense amount of curiosity burning through them.

"What about the second bullet?" I asked.

Dominic once again frowned a bit before asking, "What if there isn't one? What if both cars were vertical to each other at the time? What if there was only one bullet that took out all six? How did the drivers die?"

We turned the pages back to where I had originally been looking, and he pointed at the bullet holes in the windows. They were pretty much identical, proving his hypothesis that the cars were vertical and only one shot was taken to kill our families.

I then flipped through some pages and informed, "The drivers also died from headshots, but forward headshots."

"Maybe from the person or people that pulled them over," he suggested, and I nodded in response.

We then stared into each other's eyes once more, and we knew that our little vacation would be ending sooner than planned. We had a mission above all, and to keep the evidence fresh in our brains, we needed to keep the mission fresh too.

I nodded, "I'll pack the bags."

A/N: Hello, all. I want to apologize for not posting for two Saturdays. I promised that I would and didn't uphold my words. I have a lot going on right now, but that isn't an excuse to neglect any duty or to prioritize something else over another. I do owe you two additional chapters. It is my hope that I can give you those sometime within this week before the next Saturday, but I'm not sure if it will actually be possible. You will, however get bonus chapters at some point. Thank you for your time and interest in this book. It is greatly appreciated 🙏🏽❤️

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