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Dominic and I entered the house, and I texted Zara to let her know that Dominic and I had given the painting to the Amara Gideon she instructed us to give the painting to. The task was very simple, so I didn't understand why the Circle thought it was so important for us to do it before eleven tonight. Dominic and I didn't like waiting until appointed time to do things, however, so we got it done an hour ago, which was at five in the afternoon. The only reason why we had waited that late was because we had some business things to take care of.

Zara Porter: Great! In three days, I'll let you know about your other task.

Me: Sure.

"What did she say?" Dominic questioned as he closed the door behind us.

I tucked my phone away and answered, "She's going to tell us our next task in three days." Dominic nodded in response, and we headed up the stairs. Before he got into his room, I reminded, "My fashion event is next week. You're still modeling for me, right?"

"Of course," he smiled. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. I also contacted my friends that model, and they agreed to model for you as well. I sent them the time and date already."

"Perfect," I smiled. "Dress rehearsal is this week Saturday, next week Tuesday, and next Friday- two hours before the event starts."

Dominic promised, "I'll let them know. Do you need help with anything else?"

I already had everything covered, so I shook my head in response. "Thanks, though," I smiled.

He nodded, "No problem, beautiful." I then walked to my room, and he questioned, "Why are you going in your room?"

I reminded him, "We said that we'd shower and then cook dinner."

"I know," he nodded, causing me to frown.

"....So?" I frowned.

He blushed, "I thought...you'd...maybe wanna shower...with me. It's okay if you don't want to."

I shook my head and walked to him with pink cheeks as well. "We can shower together," I nodded. He smiled and smooched my lips while opening his door. He then took my hand in his, and we entered his room. I placed my shoulder bag on his dresser, took off my jewelry, and placed them on his dresser as well. Dominic took his watch off and placed it on his dresser too. We then took off our sneakers and socks and walked to the bathroom. I shyly stripped, even though Dominic wasn't watching me, and once we were both completely naked, Dominic handed me a fresh washcloth. We then held hands and entered the walk in showers, which had glass walls.

Dominic turned on the shower, and we stood beneath the warm water that came from it. As his hair soaked, it flattened down on his head. Mine, however, became curly as it sank down, but it was much more puffy than his hair. He smiled while running his hand through my hair. He then cupped my chin and lifted it so that I could stare into his eyes. We both smiled goofily at each other before bursting into laughter. I then bit my bottom lip as I stared into his beautiful eyes. I pretended to lean in for a kiss, and when his eyes fluttered close, I poured some soap on my fingers and smeared it on his lips. Dominic's eyes immediately snapped open as he scrounged his nose and wiped the soap off his lips. I broke into disharmonious laughter as he caught water in his hands to wash his mouth. He then flashed some water on my face, and my laughter became even worse, which caused him to burst into laughter as well.

"Your laugh is hideous," he laughed, and that prompted me to laugh even more. I held my aching stomach as unusual sounds escaped my mouth, and Dominic began letting out crazy laughs as well. Our voices together was the perfect sound effect of a car pressing brakes and a falling plane crashing into each other. He held his stomach as well, and my legs began growing weak due to how much we were laughing. Tears then brimmed in our eyes as we hugged each other, laughter echoing throughout the room.

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