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I cracked my knuckles and peeked behind the curtains. I then let out a shaky breath as I stared at the floor. Feeling a familiar hand clasp my shoulder, I turned around to see Dominic, who wrapped me into his arms and kissed my head while gently rubbing my back.

"You've prepared for this. Everything is perfect," he soothed.

I wrapped my arms around him and nodded. I then looked up at him, and he passionately met my lips with his.

I smiled, "Thank you," and he smiled and nodded. I then signaled for the music to start playing. Once it started, the models got in line and waited for their cue. Dominic was last in the line because he'd come out and then I would. I gave the models their cue, and they did as we had rehearsed. Everything was going well so far, as I could hear the crowd giving pleased oh's and ah's along with applauds. Dominic walked out on stage, and earned the loudest applaud, as no one was expecting my husband to be on stage.

I took a deep breath and tried to hear Dominic's voice soothing me once more. I then walked onto stage and heard an even louder applaud than what Dominic received. I smiled from the support that we were being given and held the mic at a good distance from my mouth.

"Hello and welcome!" I smiled, causing me to receive another applause. I then cleared my throat to begin my short speech. "Three months ago, Autumn wanted to annex a new trend to her line called Bold. She wanted everyone to feel confident and be inspired to wear what they wanted. The first three models," I said as the three models stepped forward, "are wearing the three pieces that Autumn created." The models then stepped back into their places, and three more stepped forward. "Growing up, I was always known for being daring, and so I called my three pieces Dare because you have to be willing to take certain risks in life." The other three models stepped into place again, and the final three stepped forward. "These three models are wearing the incomplete sketches that Autumn made, which I finished with my own imagination and preferences." All models then stepped forward. "Together, I call this project Dare to be Bold, because you can only be bold, if you dare yourself to rise to the occasion and conquer fear."

Loud applauses were heard throughout the room, and cameras began flashing.


Dominic twirled me into the air, and I giggled maniacally, content clear on both of our faces.

He smiled, "You were amazing out there!" He then smooched my lips and placed me to stand.

"Thank you, but I couldn't have pulled this off without you. Thank you so much for the support, models, and extra extra help," I spoke genuinely.

Dominic chuckled and kissed my lips again. He smiled, "Anytime, love." A wide smile overcame my face, and I took his hand in mine and pulled him up the stairs with me. "You don't wanna eat dinner?"

"I'm not that hungry," I shook my head. "Are you?"

He shook his head, so I continued pulling him to my room. I flicked the lights on and walked to my dresser. I then opened my third draw and took out the box of condoms.

"Oh!" Dominic replied with raised eyebrows.

I turned and worriedly asked, "You don't want to?"

We hadn't had sex since I gave my virginity to him, but I knew that he wanted to when I wasn't sore anymore. I hadn't been sore for a few days now, but because I was busy planning my event, I hadn't really thought about making love to him again. He was very patient with me and hadn't even brought it up, so I thought that since the stress I was feeling was now gone and because he had done beyond what I could ever ask from him, he should be spoiled a bit.

"No," he answered. "Wait, not no as in I don't want to. I do. I do, but, you don't have to if you don't want to. We can wait, if you want."

I confirmed, "I want to."

He then smiled, "What are we waiting on then?"

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