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I felt a hand shake my shoulder, causing me to groan in frustration. I turned my head the opposite way, but the person didn't stop shaking my shoulder. "Stop," I complained.

"Get up," Dominic said, causing me to fuss and groan. I sat up and crossed my arms while giving him a bad eye. "Fix your face." I rolled my eyes while still giving him a bad eye. "Stop looking at me like that. You need to eat something. You should be thanking me."

I then looked down at the plate with the turkey sandwich on it and the mug with warm tea. Both items were on a tray, along with Advil. Timely, my stomach grumbled, and I quickly took the tray from him while murmuring a quick thank you as I stuffed my mouth with the sandwich. Dominic chuckled and began walking away. I quickly chewed the piece of sandwhich that I bit and swallowed it before calling out, "Dominic, wait." He turned to face me, and I let out a deep sigh as I got ready to apologize for kissing and teasing him last night.

"It's okay," he nodded, even though I hadn't gotten the chance to apologize as yet.

"But-" I got out until he cut me off.

He shook his head, "It was my fault. I shouldn't have asked you to dance with me."

"Yeah, but I shouldn't have grind on you. We could've swayed," I argued.

"You weren't in full control of your body. That brownie messed me up too," he defended. "It's fine, Summer. Don't beat yourself up about it."

I nodded in defeat, and he offered a gentle smile before leaving my room. I finished my breakfast and then hit the showers to freshen up. It was then that I noticed that I wasn't in my dress anymore but rather in a big white tee that smelled like Dominic. I blushed knowing that Dominic saw me half naked, but I thought that it was a sweet gesture of him, rather than an invasion of my privacy. I took off my shirt and noticed that I didn't have my bra on anymore and was also in a new underwear. Now, we had a problem. After taking a shower and putting on a big tee of my own, I stopped by Dominic's door. I knocked on his door, and he invited me in. I then marched over to his bed and slapped his phone out of his hand.

"You didn't have to strip me completely, you know! The shirt was okay, but taking off my bra and changing my underwear...not cool," I crossed my arm.

Dominic frowned, "I woke you up yesterday and you took a quick shower before going back to bed in your underwear alone. I gave you my shirt so that you wouldn't wake up half naked."

"What? Yesterday was the party," I frowned while holding my head. I then slightly remembered taking a shower and being woken up by Dominic, but I thought that was a dream or something.

Dominic chuckled, "It's Monday. You slept through Sunday."

"Oh shit!" I gasped while covering my mouth, and Dominic chuckled some more. That explained why I was so hungry.

"Silly Sumter," he mocked while shaking his head in amusement, and I couldn't help but feel stupid. "I'm guessing you also don't remember trying to have sex with me when we got in the car."

I gasped, "I did?! Oh my gosh, Dominic!"

He chuckled, "Nah, I'm just kidding. You waited until we got home to make your move."

"Please tell me you're joking," I begged while covering my face.

He shook his head while picking up his phone. "I thought you'd want to see yourself being stupid for once," he teased while pulling up the video. "Don't worry, I didn't share it with anyone."

He pressed the play button and my eyes widened at the way I was throwing myself at him, and as I watched the screen, my memories began to intertwine with what I was seeing. I remembered everything.

I kissed his neck, and he stumbled backwards while trying to push me away. "Wait, Summer. You should think about this," Dominic encouraged, even though he looked as if he wanted to say otherwise.

"I don't want to. I want you, Dom," I shook my head while reaching for the zipper on my dress.

Dominic grabbed my hand and replied, "You're gonna regret this. You shouldn't be doing this when you probably won't even remember it."

"All the better reason," I smiled while taking his jacket off him.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think you should get some rest," Dominic forced himself to say.

I frowned, "You don't want to have sex with me?"

"No," he shook his head. "I mean, yes, I'd like to just...not like this. I don't want you to make a mistake. Besides, I'm a bit out of it tonight and wouldn't want to be too rough. Please just go to bed."

Sadly, I nodded, "Okay."

"Hey, don't take it personally, okay?" Dominic pleaded while cupping my face, and I nodded. He then smooched my lips and tucked me in bed. "Good night."

"Good night," I smiled before blowing him a kiss.

He caught the pretend kiss and pressed it to his heart before leaving the room.

"This is so embarrassing," I shook my head in disapproval of my behavior. "What the hell?!"

"Tell me about it," Dominic chuckled.

I frowned, "I was way more embarrassing than you were."

"Definitely," he agreed, "but it adds up to the embarrassing moments I've had last week."

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