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Instantly, my eyes fluttered close, and my hands cupped his neck. I could feel my hands tingling and my stomach doing a set of summersaults as Dominic's hands found their way to my waist. He firmly held me in place, but I wasn't planning to go anywhere anyways. I then felt his tongue touch my bottom lip, so I parted my mouth wide enough for his tongue to fit. Dominic, however, didn't even give me the joy of feeling his tongue at least flicking on mine. Instead, he quickly pulled away.

"I'm sorry," he apologized quickly, but his eyes were staring at my lips.

"Dominic, it's okay," I nodded. "I want to."

His eyes immediately met mine as his eyebrows became slightly narrowed. "Are you sure?" he questioned, and I nodded in response.

"But-" he got out before I smashed my lips against his. This time, I wasted no time in parting my lips, and he wasted no time in giving me what I wanted. For a moment, I panicked because I didn't know how to kiss someone, but once our tongues connected, it came naturally. I cupped his neck once more, and he clasped my thighs before lifting me up. He then sat on the couch and placed me on top of him so that I could straddle him. He then gently gripped my waist as his tongue devoured my mouth. It was as if his tongue was exploring my mouth, craving every touch it could have with my tongue. I groaned a bit while clutching onto his shoulders, and he groaned as well. He bit my bottom lip and gently tugged it before sucking on it for a while, and it felt damn good.  I let out a soft moan as my back slightly arched, and he focused his lips on my neck, trailing light, feathery kisses to the crook. I shivered a bit as warm liquid filled my lower regions, and another soft moan escaped my lips as I fisted his shirt.

"Mmm," I hummed as he continued to trail kisses on my neck. I ran my arms up and down his muscular arms while leaning in closer to his neck. I then joined him in the trailing of kisses as I gripped his waist. His hands then snaked lower until it's was gripping the band of my tights. He pulled it and let it go, letting it slap my skin. I bit my bottom lip as I lowly groaned and fisted his shirt once more. I slid my hands in side his shirt and traced his well defined packs with my hands, and Dominic helped by pulling his shirt off. I then pressed him into the sofa so that my lips could access his torso, where I planted wet smooches. Dominic let a low groan out while pulling the band of my tights once more. I pulled my top off, leaving myself in a sports bra and my yoga tights. I then remembered how sweaty we had been from the workout, and I didn't want him to kiss my salty body. For that reason I pulled away, and Dominic opened his eyes as his eyebrows slightly furrowed. "Let's take a shower first," I said while climbing off him, and he nodded. We then held hands as we began walking up the stairs. I motioned for the guest bathroom, but he tugged me towards his room, which had a bathroom inside, being that he slept in the master bedroom. He opened the door and led me to his bathroom. Once we got inside, we both stripped and got in the shower. After turning on the water and making sure that it was warm, he pressed me into the glass wall that bordered the shower and sucked on my neck. His hardened member poked me, and I slowly reached for it. Once my hand touched it, he let out a groan while cupping my butt. He then lifted my body, and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked us under the shower. As the water soaked us both, we connected our lips once more, passionately kissing again.

Dominic pulled away from the kiss and asked, "Summer, can you hear me?"

I frowned, "Of course, I can."

"Sum! Please, if you can hear me, please get up," Dominic pleaded. "Please. I can't lose you too."

My eyes fluttered open, and the very first thing I saw was his beautiful brown eyes.

"Dominic?" I frowned as I stared into his relieved eyes. "What happened."

Dominic squeezed my hand, which he had been holding while I was unconscious, and brought it to his lips. He kissed my hand and said, "Thank God," while looking up. He then connected eyes with me once more before replying, "Your asthma started to kick in after our fifth training round, and you fell and hit your head when you blanked out."

A/N: Just when you thought that they were finally getting steamy with each other...................................
.....um...yeah, you were wrong.

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