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A knock sounded on my door, and I invited who I assumed was Dominic- being that we were the only two people in the house- in. I had recently finished packing everything and had already looked for an outfit to wear to get our license.

Dominic entered the room and eyed my outfit, which was laid on the bed, before meeting my eyes. As he walked over to the bed, I noticed a suede velvet ring box in his hands. He took a seat next to me on the edge of the bed and opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. The ring was silver but covered in small diamonds. In the center were four pillars that formed a small crown, and each pillar was decorated with small black gems. On top of the small crown was a large rhombus-shaped diamond. The ring was very ostentatious, but nonetheless beautiful and looked very much like something that would belong to a member of the King family. After all, they were known for being superfluous.

"I originally thought to buy a ring, but then I remembered that my father gave me this about two years ago. I figured that if we wanted to fake this marriage, it would only make sense that you wore a ring of significance to make our story more believable," he said while staring down at the ring. "It belonged to my grandmother and is of the few things I have left of her, so you better not lose nor damage this. The ring size looks just about right."

I admitted, "It's gorgeous." I knew that it was very expensive, but I also now knew that the ring actually meant a lot to Dominic. Even though I never really got along well with him, I felt that it would be awfully selfish and cruel to damage or lose the ring. I knew that his grandmother passed when he was ten years old and that she and he were very close. "I won't damage or lose it."

"You better not," he threatened with a slightly playful glare in his eyes. He then looked at my outfit once more before connecting eyes with me. "We're wearing white, I see."

I nodded and explained, "Besides the occasion, I'm sure it'll attract attention. I highly encourage that you wear full white as well."

Dominic nodded in agreement. He then questioned, "How long will it take you to get ready?"

"Give me an hour and a half. I want to do my makeup and hair," I answered, and he nodded while standing. He tucked the box away in his back pocket and took out another.

While opening the box, he informed, "My mother gave me this. Don't lose or damage this either. You'll wear it for the engagement ring." The ring was a band with diamond encrusted all over it, and because it wasn't too much, though still very expensive and gaudy, I knew that it would go perfectly with his grandmother's ring. "I think this should fit as well." He took the ring out and held it in his left hand as he stretched his right hand out to me. I placed my left hand in his right hand, and Dominic slipped the ring on. As he expected, the ring was a perfect fit. I gushed at the beautiful ring on my finger, a faint smile emerging on my face. The ring truly was beautiful. "Marry me."

I burst into laughter at his unromantic gesture and command, but I didn't want to waste time by demanding a proper gesture for my own amusement. "Unfortunately, yes," I smiled, and he rolled his eyes and closed the box. He then stuffed it in his other pants pocket and left the room. I closed the door behind him and wasted no time sitting in front the mirror to do my make up. I had no idea what I would be doing to my hair, so I thought that I would start with my make up first. I thought a soft beat that looked like a no-make-up look would be nice, only for my eyes I did a smokey bronze look. Then, I sleeked my hair into a low ponytail and curled it into bouncy, luminous curls.

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Once satisfied with my look, I slipped my clothes off and changed into the fancy, white blazer that I planned to wear

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Once satisfied with my look, I slipped my clothes off and changed into the fancy, white blazer that I planned to wear. I then slipped on a small, white spandex underneath it to cover up my butt.

 I then slipped on a small, white spandex underneath it to cover up my butt

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I then slipped into my white heels and grabbed my white Gucci shoulder bag. I threw my phone inside my bag before leaving the room and knocking on Dominic's door, which was on the room next to mine.

"Come," he invited, so I turned the knob in the door and entered the room. Dominic was sitting on his bed while scrolling through his phone, so I took the moment to admire his beauty. He wore a white shirt that had the first three buttons undone, white pants, white Gucci loafers, and a diamond crusted watch that rested on his left hand. He had also took the time to brush and oil his hair. There was no doubt that Dominic was attractive, but seeing him in all white made him look even more attractive to me. It was probably because white was my favorite color, but it could have also been the fact that his demonic self was hidden behind his angelic look.

"Did you come here for something other than staring at me?" Dominic teased while looking up, a smirk playing on his lips. He froze, however, when actually catching sight of me.

Right when I thought that Dominic would fish out a compliment for me, as he was watching me with a hint of surprise on his face, he questioned, "Where's your pants?" I lifted the blazer a bit, revealing the white spandex that I wore

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Right when I thought that Dominic would fish out a compliment for me, as he was watching me with a hint of surprise on his face, he questioned, "Where's your pants?" I lifted the blazer a bit, revealing the white spandex that I wore. He looked as if he wanted to say something, but instead, he stayed silent. I released the end of the blazer and crossed my arms as he stood up. He tucked his phone in his back pocket before grabbing the velvet box off the bed. He stuffed it in his front pocket and walked over to me. He then flicked his lights off before closing the door behind him and leading the way to the garage. This time, we took his Lamborghini.

A/N: "Where's your pants?" 😭 Do you think Dominic wanted to say something else? Even with what he said, do you think there was a reason why he was concerned about her pants? Is it a bit too early to speculate and overthink🤔
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