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Dominic stooped down in front of me, and I nervously backed away while using my hands to cover my exposed parts. "W-w-what are you doing?!" I shrieked, not actually knowing why I sounded so afraid when I was actually embarrassed.

"Relax, I'm just picking up your towel," he replied while grabbing it off the floor. He then turned his head to the side while handing it to me.

I quickly grabbed it and wrapped myself in it before apologizing, "I'm sorry you had to see that."

He chuckled, "I wasn't lying when I said I wouldn't mind the view. You don't have to apologize."

I joked, "You enjoyed it so much that you looked away, huh?" I actually did feel, for some reason, a bit hurt that he had done that, although staring would have made me feel even more embarrassed.

"If I had known you wanted me to watch, I would've gladly done so," he smirked, causing me to gasp.

I quickly defended, "I didn't mean it like that!"

Dominic chuckled while running his hand through his hair. He nodded, "I know." He then finally connected eyes with me before straightening his face to show how serious what he planned to say next was. "I didn't want to violate your privacy. I did look a bit, which was wrong of me, and I want to say that I couldn't control myself from not looking, but that's a poor excuse and wrong, nonetheless. I apologize if I made you feel weird or embarrassed."

"It's okay, and you didn't," I stated honestly. "I'm only embarrassed that you had to see that."

He chuckled, "Don't beat yourself up about it. It was a good view, well, glimpse." He sent me a playful wink before walking towards my door, and my cheeks immediately heated up. "I'll be in the kitchen making breakfast. Join me when you're dressed."

"Sure," I nodded, and he left my room and closed the door behind him.

As I got dressed, I wondered if Dominic truly did enjoy the view. It shouldn't have mattered, especially because I should have found it weird that he actually watched me for a bit, but it didn't bother me at all. I was only concerned about whether he truly did like the view and that if he did, why he hadn't tried to make a move on me. I wasn't ready to lose my virginity, but I was also curious.

Besides, all of Dominic's exes had admitted to paparazzis that besides missing his 'charming looks' and 'addicting lips and personality,' they missed the sex. Clearly, he had to be really good in bed for so many women to say that about him, and since he enjoyed having sex so much, it made me wonder why he hadn't tried to with me when I was exposed to him. Maybe he didn't want to embarrass himself because he knew that I would reject him or maybe he just didn't have that attraction for me.

As I stared in the mirror, I looked at myself and tried to figure out why the hell I was thinking about those things. They didn't even matter. I loved my body and didn't have feelings for Dominic, so I didn't know why I was having those type of thoughts.

While shaking my head and sighing, I left my room and went downstairs to meet Dominic. As soon as I got to the kitchen, my nose was welcomed by different delicious scents that made my heart skip several times. I noticed the eggs, waffles, and pastries dished out on two plates, in addition to the two mugs with tea in them that were next to the plates on the island.

"The white mug is yours, the black is mine," he informed, which caused me to chuckle when I noticed something. "What?"

I smiled, "I just think it's a bit funny that I'm black and my favorite color is white and you're white and your favorite color is black." Dominic chuckled while placing two slices of bread on my plate and his. I then took a sip of my tea and smiled in response. "You remembered?"

With his eyebrows narrowed and lips pursed, Dominic questioned, "Remembered what?" He then picked up his mug and plate and led the way to the table so that we could sit and eat.

Following him with my tea and food, I clarified, "That my favorite tea is ginger tea. I didn't tell you that when we were sharing the basic personal info."

When he placed his things down, he took out my chair for me to sit, took my plate and mug, and then placed them on the table. I sat down and he pushed my chair in for me before taking his seat. "Yeah, I remembered from that time you got sick and I was left in charge to watch you while Autumn and Michael got to stay in the living room and watch movies. You were what...twelve?" I nodded with a smile on my face from the memory. He had to watch me because his parents and mine were in a meeting, and he was older than Michael, Autumn, and me, being that he was sixteen. He was often in charge whenever his parents and mine weren't watching us. "You wouldn't stop nagging me to make you tea, so I made you peppermint tea-"

I smiled, "Because it's your favorite and you think the world revolves around you."

Dominic stuck up his middle finger at me, a smile tugging on his lips, while continuing, "And you waited until the tea was boiled and poured into a mug to tell me that you wanted ginger tea. I had asked what was wrong with peppermint tea, and you said that you liked that as well, but also that ginger tea makes you happier. You had been grumpy all day long prior to that moment, so I-"

"Made me the ginger tea so that I could be happy," I finished with a warm smile on my face, and he smiled a bit before straightening his face and giving a simple nod. On one of my waffles, I poured syrup and put piece of butter on top, and on the other, I poured syrup and then a little bit of whip cream on it. Dominic smiled, causing me to do the same.

"You actually liked my method, I see," he smiled, referring to the waffles with whip cream on it.

Referring to his waffle with butter on it, I smiled, "And I see you like mine as well."

He smirked before slicing his waffle, and I did the same. Timely, we stuffed our pieces in our mouths and hummed in delight before bursting into laughter and sipping some tea. So far, living with Dominic wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

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