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My heart was beating rapidly as I stared at the fifth test that I took. My fingers felt a bit weak as I stared at the test in my hands. The air felt tight and hot, making my nose stuffy. I exhaled a shaky breath and turned around, facing the door. I placed my hand on the knob, contemplating whether I should open it. I knew Dominic was still waiting in front the bathroom door, probably even still wearing the same excited look he had in his eyes when I told him that I was going to take the tests. I didn't want to break the news to him that all five tests came up negative, but I also knew that I couldn't hide in the bathroom for long.

I let out a shaky breath as I turned the door knob, and like expected, Dominic was waiting in front the bathroom with excitement written on his face. I knew how much he wanted a family and that this news would shed some light in his life, and that knowledge made me grow sad that I couldn't provide at least a little bit of happiness for him. What if I couldn't bear children at all? Would he leave me for another women that could give him what he wanted? How would he even take the news? Would his eyes turn from disappointment to being cold? What if we tried again and the tests would still be negative? Would he simply give up hope on me? Would he resent me? Would he even consider other options?

"So?" Dominic questioned, a slight smile already tugging his lips. I bit my bottom lip and stared at the ground while shaking my head.

I apologized, "I'm sorry."

He placed his hands on my waist and gently pulled my body closer to his. He pressed a soft kiss to my temple before caressing my cheek.

"What are you apologizing for?" Dominic asked. "You did nothing wrong, and we can always try again anyways."

I met his eyes, which showed love and sincerity. I frowned, "You're not upset or disappointed?"

He chuckled, "No, why would I be?"

I shrugged, "Because you really want a family."

He nodded in agreement before adding, "You're family, though. Yeah, I want children in the future, but that doesn't mean that I should get angry or sad because you didn't get pregnant the first try. I don't blame you. It's normal. Besides, I'd most likely blame myself before even thinking to blame you."

Of course, I had been overthinking. I knew Dominic loved me, not only because he said it, but because he actually showed it. He always cared about my wellbeing and respected me no matter what. He empowered me and never made me feel weak or at fault for anything. My overthink was nothing but absurd.

I nodded in understanding, and he kissed my lips while squeezing my butt cheeks. He then gave them a soft slap before pulling away from the kiss and lifting me up, and I giggled softly in response. I was hoping he'd uphold his words when he said that if I wasn't pregnant, we'd have sex. We hadn't been intimate in that way in a week, and my body was already missing his.

He brought me to his dresser and placed me on top of it, and without wasting any time, he pressed his lips into my neck. I ran my right hand through his hair while tilting my neck to the side to give him better access, and he licked my sweet spot before sucking on it.

My body shivered as my lower region started to heat up, and I found my fingers gently digging into the nape of his neck. Dominic slid the straps of my night gown off my shoulders before trailing kisses down my neck and to my right shoulder. His hands gently sank in my waist as he breathed in my scent, his eyes fluttering close as if savoring my natural fragrance. He hummed in response and pressed a soft kiss on my shoulder while releasing my waist. I let his hands inch up my thighs and beneath my dress, and I bit my bottom lip while staring into his eyes as his hands met the band of my underwear. He pulled at it and let it slap my skin, teasing my impatience while slowly creeping his fingers up to my waist.

As I felt his cold fingertips press into my hard nipples, I bit further into my bottom lip. I was already craving the feel of his body on mine, his member deep inside the warmth I kept for him.

Within a swift and quick movement, Dominic's left hand was stuffed inside my underwear, and his index and middle finger on my lower tongue. I gasped in surprise, and he sent me a playful wink and softly pressed down on my clit. I parted my lips slightly and breathed a slow breath, trying to keep my body calm even though I knew that nothing would slow down my erratic heart. He pulled his hand out and lifted my dress before shifting my underwear to the left. He then sucked his index and middle finger and slowly stuck them inside me. I wiggled a bit at the feel of his cool fingers in me. They were a drastic contrast from the warmth of my center, the place I ached most for him.

He smirked, "I'm gonna fuck you tonight," and I gave a naughty smile while staring deeply in his eyes.

While placing my hand on his hardened crotch and gently rubbing him, I smirked, "Please do."

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