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Dominic's POV
I pressed my feet further into the gas pedal, increasing my already fast speed. From my peripheral view, I noticed Summer's eyes on me. I turned to her for a brief moment before focusing on the road. I could tell that she was a bit concerned. Her eyebrows were slightly knitted and her nose scrounged as her lips slightly pursed into the air.

"What?!" I asked gently, although I still sounded a bit aggressive. I assumed such by the way her body slightly jumped. In a much calmer voice, I apologized, "Sorry. I didn't mean to yell."

With worry laced in her voice, Summer questioned, "Are you okay?" I gave a simple nod in response and she asked, "Can you please slow down then?"

"The faster we get there, the better," I disagreed. "It's been how many months since our families died? We owe it to them to get the job done as soon as possible."

Summer argued, "We don't even have a plan."

"We're just gonna kill the son of a bitch," I shrugged while swerving into another lane.

"The same son of a bitch that is heavily guarded? We need to slow it down and think about this," Summer defended. I sighed and slowed the car down. "Now, what's the plan?"

We came to a red light, so I stopped driving and turned to her. "Do you have one?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"Do you think we should tell the Circle? Maybe they can help us," she suggested.

I shrugged, "Sure, I guess."

Summer placed her hand on my shoulder and smiled, "We'll get him today. We just need to think things through before going on a suicide mission, okay?"

I nodded and questioned, "Do you wanna head over to the Porters' until?"

"Let's park somewhere nearby here first and I'll call Zara," she shook her head. When the light turned green, I drove off and parked in an available space on the road we were driving on. She placed the phone on speaker, and after two rings, Zara answered the phone.

"Summer, how lovely it is to hear from you! Is all well?" Zara asked. "I just saw in a magazine that you had a dramatic disappearance from Avery's party."

Summer replied, "That's actually what Dominic and I wanted to speak to you about. We know who killed our families."

"Oh! You do?" Zara asked. "Who did it, and how do you know who did it?"

I answered, "It's a long story, but a guy named Alex Trevino, owner of-"

Zara cut me off by finishing, "Trevbots Inc. That little snake!"

I frowned, "You know him?!"

Zara went on to explain, "He's been trying to buy your parents' companies for a while now. They have complained to the Circle about how annoying he was. I never thought he'd do something as crazy as assassinate Circle Royalties."

"He knows about the Circle?" Summer asked.

"He's been trying to get in for years now. He's legacy stemming from the original six members. Daniel and I never trusted him, however, so we never gave him admittance into the Circle. Furthermore, we never assumed he had much power. Trevbots is the only thing he has going on for him, and frankly, it doesn't make the money cut requirement," Zara further explained. "Last year, he was under it by 8%."

"Money cut requirement?" I frowned.

"It's one of the admittance categories. We add company and other property values into the value that everyone in the group has, then we divide that value by the amount of people in the group, and if that value doesn't increase by 25% more than what the groups mean value would have been without the person being admitted, then the person is not admitted," Zara informed.

Summer frowned, "So you don't have a marriage requirement?"

"We do, but Alex is married, so he fits that requirement already," Zara answered. "He's been married for about 40 years," Zara replied.

Summer frowned, "Our Alex Trevino looks as if he's in his mid 40's."

"Then you're looking at an identity theft then because Alex Trevino from Trevbots is actually 72 and married with absolutely no children. He has this weird thing about not showing his face, so no one really knows how he looks except for the Circle, of course. He even sends representatives to meetings and such," Zara informed.

Summer and I connected eyes and sighed in unison.

"We must've gotten a picture of one of his representatives," Summer complained. "Or maybe he's just an imposter in general."

Zara offered, "Send a pic and I'll share it with the other members. If anything comes up, I'll hold a meeting at Daniel's and my house, okay?"

"Sure, thanks," Summer and I replied before Summer hung up. Summer then sent in the photo we had of the person posing as Alex Trevino, and I texted Jeff asking if he could do a photo search of the person.

Just when I thought we had the fucker in our hands!

A/N: I apologize for not posting last week Saturday. I will try my best to post a chapter this week Saturday, and depending on how hectic this week is, I might be able to post a chapter tomorrow or Sunday. Thanks for the support and interest as always!

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