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As I had assumed, the wardrobe led to a secret tunnel that Dominic, Jeff, and I walked through. The tunnel was underground and lead to a door that was locked.

"Do any of you have a key, by any chance?" Jeff questioned, and I shook my head. I then looked at Dominic, who was staring at his watch.

"As you both know, I've never met my grandfather. My grandmother had given me this watch for my fourteenth birthday and told me that it was his. She had called it a moon watch. I'm supposed to have the moon, so maybe this is the key," Dominic shrugged. He took the watch off and carefully examined it to see if he could find anything. He then flipped the watch and frowned. "48, 54, 36, it says."

I suggested, "Maybe it's referring to degrees in the watch."

"Each minute mark on a clock, or in this case a watch, is supposed to be 6 degrees," Jeff informed. "If the numbers actually represent degrees and your watch is a combination, then it should be 8 minutes, 9 minutes, 6 minutes to unlock the watch."

Dominic fiddled around with the watch until a clicking sound was made. He then removed the back of the watch and took out a small key. He huffed in surprise and unlocked the door. We then entered the dark room, and I shined the flashlight on my phone.

A low gasp escaped my mouth when I noticed all the gold bars and jewelry in the room.

"Well damn!" Jeff smiled as he took in the sight, and Dominic whistled before smiling at the sight as well.

"Makes sense why they wanted to kill us," I joked, and we all chuckled. "I'm guessing they killed my family because they thought that Autumn would've gotten everything. With Autumn and my parents dead, and maybe even me too if I had gone, the property would've been sold, and Alex would've probably bought it. Then, he'd collect all of these somehow and maybe split it with the Circle."

"Yeah," Dominic agreed. "That actually makes sense because I was supposed to go with my family too. Now that we know what they wanted, how do we go about revenge?"

Mischievously, Jeff smiled, "I have a plan."

Two hours later

Dominic, Jeff, and I exited Dominic's private jet with a focus clear on our minds. I had already texted Zara asking her to put together a Circle meeting at a discrete location that Jeff felt would be safe for us to take care of the Circle. I had told Zara to make sure that everyone would be there in an hour so that Jeff, Dominic, and I could prepare for the attack.

We were preparing for an ambush, as we assumed that the Circle members wouldn't actually meet us at the location. Rather, we expected that they would send people to kill us. For that reason, Jeff had contacted a few hit men that were friends to his family and had a few of them stay at the location in case we were wrong about a possible ambush. The rest of the hit men had been ordered to keep an eye on each Circle members' houses and to wait for further instructions from us.

Meanwhile, Jeff, Dominic, and I were heading to Lumiere's house. We felt that he, especially, should be personally taken care of because he was the closest to our families, yet he had betrayed us on numerous occasions.

If the Circle were to actually ambush us, we'd have our hit men take them out with bombs we had them plant. Dominic, Jeff, and I would take out Lumiere and his wife before proceeding to the Trevino's place to do the same.

If the Circle were to show up to the location, we'd have the hit men take care of them while we'd take care of the Trevino's. Either way, tonight would end in a victory for Dominic and me. Then, we could start planning our wedding and live our happy lives together.

Our families' lives would be avenged today. Dominic and I would see to that.

A/N: Hey, everyone! This is the second to last chapter because I don't want to drag this book out anymore than I already have 😭 With the Coronavirus out for destruction, I would like to say: be safe, wise, and healthy! See you all next week for the FINAL CHAPTERRRRR WHOOP WHOOPPPP 🙌🏽🙌🏽

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