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I entered my room with my towel wrapped around me. I didn't know why I kept forgetting my clothes in my room because now I was in the weird predicament of finding Dominic in my room while I only had a towel on to hide my goods.

"Hey," he greeted, though his face didn't show content in seeing me. My lights were off, and though it was morning, the room was still a bit dark because it was raining a lot outside. As I walked closer to him, I noticed that he looked a bit sad and angry. I sat next to him on my bed, and he informed, "Lumiere called. He said that the Circle wants to have a meeting with us sometime soon and that we should expect invitations in our mail soon."

"That's great news! Our plan is working," I smiled, but he still didn't look cheered up.

Sadly, he replied, "Yeah."

While frowning, I questioned, "So why do you look so sad?"

He looked away and slightly clenched his jaw as his nostrils slightly flared. I had a feeling that he was thinking about his family, which made me grow sad as well. As much as the King family pissed me off, I never wished bad on them. In a weird way, they were family too, and I knew that they considered my family as their family as well. Family didn't always get along...especially when money and competition was involved. Nonetheless, we all cared about each other, so I not only felt horrible because I lost my family but also because I lost my second family.

I placed my hand on Dominic's shoulder and he shook his head while removing my hand. "It's not okay," he shook his head as his eyes began to water.

I placed my hand on his shoulder once more and informed, "I wasn't going to say that it is. It isn't. It won't ever be." My eyes began to water as well, and Dominic looked up at me and held his hand over mine, which still rested on his shoulder.

"I miss them so much," he admitted. "All of them- Winter and King."

"Me t-too," I replied, my voice breaking as I spoke.

Tears then began streaming down Dominic's cheeks, and I wrapped him into a hug. I understood exactly how he was feeling. It was weird and heartbreaking knowing that everything could be fine today and then tomorrow the people you love most wouldn't ever be in your life again.

I tried to be strong for Dominic by not crying as well, but I couldn't withhold my tears any longer. Dominic tightened his hold around me, and I did the same with him. We were both silent criers, unlike Michael and Autumn, so all that was heard were sniffles as we tried to fight our tears away. Neither of us liked feeling vulnerable or emotional, but the fact that we were both vulnerable and emotional at the same time made fighting our emotions ten times harder.

"We're gonna find the son of a bitch," Dominic promised.

And I nodded, "And we're gonna serve justice."

We continued hugging and crying until lightening sounded outside, causing us both to jump in shock. We chuckled and broke the hug before wiping each other's tears away. We both then blushed from embarrassment of crying in front of each other before bursting into laughter once more. That was, by far, the most genuine time Dominic and I shared with each other. We were finally being real for once, instead of pretending that we loathed each other, and I had a feeling that this moment would never be forgotten.

"I should be screaming that I have cooties right now, but I gotta admit that I actually enjoyed that hug," Dominic chuckled, causing me to chuckle as well.

I smiled, "You're welcomed to catch cooties from me whenever you need to."

"Really?" he asked, with a flare of hope in his eyes. I nodded truthfully with a warm smile on my face. "Okay, good cause I wanna hug you again." I chuckled and wrapped him into another hug, and he wrapped his arms around my waist once more. "Thank you," he mumbled, but I heard it nonetheless.

I smiled, "You're welcome," as I lay my head on his chest. "Thank you, as well. I needed this hug as much as you did."

He chuckled a bit before replying, "You're welcome as well."

We stayed like that- tightly holding each other- for a long while before I slowly pulled away a bit. "I should get dressed," I smiled, being that I felt my towel loosening.

"Or lose the towel. Wouldn't mind the view," he shrugged playfully, and I tried and failed miserably to hide my smile.

I chuckled, "Shut up," though, I admit, a part of me wondered what would have actually happened if Dominic were to actually see me naked. Would he try something? Did I want him to? And if I did want him to, and he actually tried to, would it mean anything? Would it be because something set me apart from his exes- or would it be because he had needs? I found myself mentally shaking my head at my thoughts. None of that should have mattered because Dominic wasn't going to see me naked, and we didn't actually have feelings for each other. It was just my curiosity playing games with my head.

Dominic smirked while standing up, and I stood as well, only I should have remained seated until he left the room because the only fabric I had hiding my goods from his was now on the floor, and his eyes were now on my body.

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