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Summer's POV

I cracked my knuckles to hide the fact that my hand was slightly trembling. Inside my chest, my heart was pounding rapidly, and my breathing was rigid. As the building came in sight, I felt my body go numb, and I began worrying about why I even decided to come to this place. I was not fit for this as yet. I needed more time and experience. From the corner of my eyes, I noticed Dominic's head turning towards me, so I turned my head in his direction.

"You okay?" Dominic worriedly questioned, his eyebrows a bit furrowed with confusion but his eyes filled with worry.

I nodded while taking in a deep breath and shaking my hands. "I'm just really nervous," I explained as he drove into my reserved parking spot. Today was the start of a new week and happened to be two weeks after my family's death. Dominic and I were both working today but not for the entire day. We had already been at the three companies he now owned, and we even stopped by his modeling agency so that he could be filled in on the new projects he was expected to do. Now, it was 1 p.m, and we were at the company my sister owned, which happened to be a fashion company.

"You'll do well," Dominic soothed while taking my hand into his and rubbing my knuckles. "You're basically checking up on things, giving your contact info to Autumn's PA so she can always keep you updated, and that's pretty much it. The same will go for the other two companies that you own. Okay?"

I exhaled a deep breath and nodded in response. Dominic's talk actually calmed me down and made me feel less pressured. I smiled, "Thank you." He gave a simple nod with a slight smile before turning the car off and hopping out. He then walked over to my door and opened the door for me. I thanked him while climbing out of the car. I then checked my dress to make sure that it wasn't crumbled, and- thankfully- it wasn't. The best part about being the boss was that I could bend the dress code a bit in my favor. I knew that the dress code was business casual, but I didn't need to exactly follow it.

 I knew that the dress code was business casual, but I didn't need to exactly follow it

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I wouldn't pull up in a party outfit or anything like that, however. I would wear something cute and appropriate-ish.

Dominic gently pulled down my white dress, straightening it for me. My dress was like a long buttoned shirt with ruffles on its sleeves. Beneath the collar, I wore a silver necklace with black gems, and I had in its matching earrings, bracelet, and ring- only I wore the ring on my right hand. My heels were also silver with black gems on them and had been customized by a friend of mine who happened to be a designer.

Dominic stretched his hand out for mine, and I took it before we walked over to the entrance of the building. I let out a low sigh as Dominic and I walked over to the security desk.

"Ms. King, good morning. You look lovely," the guy at the security desk smiled.

I took a quick peek at his name tag and then smiled, "Thank you, Robert, but you can still refer to me as Ms. Winter. My last name is hyphenated."

"Very well," Robert nodded. He then looked at Dominic before addressing him with the same bright smile he had given me. "Good morning, Mr. King. You look dashing sir. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Dominic gave a simple nod while saying, "Thank you."

Robert then handed me a key card, told me where to find my office, and wished me a good day. I smiled and thanked him before heading to the elevator with Dominic. Once we got off at the top floor, I used my key card to open the entrance door. A lady then came rushing out of her room. Once seeing Dominic and me, she eagerly smiled.

"Dominic King, I am your biggest fan!" she smiled. I was expecting her to be happy to see me, but she was instead happy to see Dominic. How outrageous!

Dominic smiled, "Thank you." He then looked at me and smirked cockily, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Good morning, Ms. Wint-" she got out before I cut her off.

I spitefully smiled, "I am also Ms.King. You must be Carla."

"Yes," the girl smiled with a nod as I snaked my arms around Dominic's waist. Dominic looked down at me with amusement laced in his eyes, but I decided to not say anything to him. Surprisingly, he kept his big mouth shut, but I knew once we would be out of Carla's view, he'd bring up my actions. "I was Autumn's PA, and I am thrilled to work with you, if I still have my job, that is. I've sorted through all the information that you missed last week and took care of calls. I didn't have your contact information or anything."

"Right," I nodded.

Carla smiled, "If you'd follow me, I'd like to show you to your room, as well as hand over last weeks folder." I nodded in response, and the girl walked me to my room, which was across from hers but much bigger. I used my key card to open the door and smiled at the design of the room. It looked exactly like Autumn's style, and though I didn't want to move anything around, I did want my own personal touch to the room. "I'll grab the folder and meet you back here." Carla then disappeared into the room across from mine, and Dominic and I entered the room. I looked around in awe of it all. Autumn even had her magazine photos hung up on the wall in picture frames. Her walls were hot pink, as were her furnitures. On her pink desk was her MacBook, her sketchbook, a few pencils, a notepad, some pens, and a Polaroid camera. Though she was the owner of the company, she often did her own fashion designs and modeling, as opposed to having someone model her clothes for her. I, too, was also interested in fashion, so I knew that I would possibly like working here and being the boss of the company.

Carla came back into the room and handed me my folders before filling me in on everything that was in it. After, she gave Dominic and me a tour of the building and introduced us to the workers. At two p.m, Dominic and I were out of the building and in his car to head to my mother's and father's companies. Surprisingly, Dominic didn't bring up my jealousy, and I was thankful for it, as I had no justification for why I got jealous over someone I wasn't actually with.

A/N: Hey, all! I just wanted to let you know that POSTING DAYS MIGHT  CHANGE SOMETIME BETWEEN THIS WEEK OR THE NEXT. I currently have a total of 38 chapters, and this is only chapter 20. In other words, I have enough chapters- I believe- to be able to post four times a week instead of three. I'll of course inform you of that change if I actually stick to it, as I'm a bit indecisive right now, but that's something for you too look out for!!!

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