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It was ten at night and Dominic and I were still watching the house that Jeff thought Tony was hiding in. We hadn't caught any signs of Tony as yet, and there wasn't any type of activity in the house. Apparently, Tony wasn't home as yet, but Dominic and I were on the lookout for him nonetheless.

"Babe?" I called out, and Dominic's eyes left the house and met mine. He raised his eyebrows, and I questioned, "Shouldn't we try to get some answers from Tony before we kill him?"

Dominic shrugged, "What do you even wanna know?"

"Why he killed our families," I answered, "and if he was truly the person to put out the hit. I don't know. Something just doesn't sit well with me. I feel like this is too easy and that we're missing a bigger picture."

"What do you mean?" Dominic frowned.

I scrounged my lips to the side and took a quick glance at the house to check for activity. Upon finding none, I put my focus back into the conversation I was having with Dominic. I answered, "I just feel like we don't know everything there is to know. Why would Tony even tell a rookie that he was the one who put out the hit? And where does Tony get so much power from? There's so much that we don't know about him and about what happened to our families to just kill him right away."

Dominic nodded in silence and glanced at the house. Timely, a car drove to the house, and Dominic and I hid further in the bushes. We were on a forest hill nearby the house so that we could have a good view of the activity surrounding the house.

"What do you wanna do?" Dominic asked as he repositioned the rocket launcher.

I glanced at the car and was about to speak when something caught my direction. "Wait," I instructed. The door opened and a woman's leg appeared. The lady slowly got out and closed the door. She then ruffled her hair and took out her phone. She dialed someone, and engaged in a short conversation before getting into her car and speeding off.

Timely, Dominic and I looked at each other and frowned. "It's like someone told her to leave immediately," Dominic frowned, and I nodded in agreement. We then heard a small branch crack nearby, but the crack sounded much heavier than an animal's. Simultaneously, Dominic and I drew our guns and looked in the direction of the sound. It was already dark out, so we couldn't see much. Our car was parked further away, and we only had hand guns and the rocket launcher nearby.

Dominic cocked his head to the right, telling me to go from that angle, and I nodded in response. We both then split up to try to corner whoever was trying to sneak up on us.

I watched and listened carefully for any movement. My breathing was slow and steady- which was a bit surprising because my heart was beating loudly in my ears. Stay calm, I mentally told myself. I needed to stay focused. I inhaled a deep breath and continued walking until I heard a gun shot sound from Dominic's direction. I raced over to where Dominic was and covered my mouth when I saw him laying on the floor, face down. I crouched beside him and quickly tugged his body over, and out of surprise, he raised his gun to me. My eyes widened quickly, and he let out a low breath and wrapped me in his arms. I then noticed that he had been laying on top of a now dead body. The person on the floor had a bloody face, but I could still recognize that it wasn't Tony.

I pulled away from the hug and scanned Dominic's body for any injuries, but he only had a bloody fist from beating the guy up. Nonetheless, he confirmed, "I'm fine, love."

We then heard another branch snap, and I quickly shot the person before he or she could run off. We quickly walked over to the body and noticed that it was- once again- not Tony

"I think we're under attack. We should go," I suggested, and he gave a simple nod in agreement. We then slowly began walking through the forest until shots began firing, forcing us to quickly run for cover. Dominic and I hid behind trees near each other and positioned our guns. We carefully listened for further movements, and when we heard the sound of leaves being crunched nearby, we shot at the same person, effectively taking him out. There was still no sight of Tony. "Let's keep moving."

We slowly made our way in the direction of the car, but when we were near, shots began firing from four different directions. Dominic and I once again took cover, only this time we both hid by the same tree. "I'll take the two on the left," he informed and I nodded. We then split up once again, and I carefully crept closer to where the shots had been fired from on the right. I placed my gun on silent and took out the two men. I then checked my gun to see how many bullets were inside. I had three more, but decided that to be safe, I should take the two men's guns. I stuffed them in my back pockets and then searched them for any other information that I could find, but I only saw the infamous tattoo on both of their hands. Unlike the tattoo in the photos and that Romaine had, these tattoos had writing beneath the symbol. I snapped a quick picture of the tattoos and went along my way to the car, where I met Dominic. We quickly got into the car, and Dominic drove off.

Once we were out of the area, he questioned, "Did you tell anyone where we'd be?" I shook my head in response, and he sighed. "How the hell did Tony know that we found out where he was hiding?!"

I scrounged my lips to the side before cautiously asking, "Do you think...Jeff-"

"Definitely not," Dominic shook his head. "He wouldn't. He....no. No." Dominic then looked at me with a look I couldn't decipher. "Are you sure no one knew what we were up to?"

I shrugged, "I told Zara that we got a possible location, but I never told her where the location was. Do you think-"

Dominic cut me off saying, "I honestly don't know what to think anymore, babe. We're on our own from now."

A/N: Hellooooo! How's everyone? I know I didn't post last week Saturday, and I want to apologize. You'll be getting another chapter hopefully later on today to make up for that. If I don't post it today, I'll have it posted by tomorrow. We are near an end of this book, so there aren't much chapters left! I think there might be about two-five chapters left. It all depends on how I wanna end the book 😭 I don't want to rush an end but I also don't want to drag the book out. Like always, I want to thank you for the love, support, and interest that you all have demonstrated and I will try to make this ending a bit more juicier!!

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