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Dominic's POV

"Now, what do you want to eat?" Summer asked.

Immediately, I thought about teasing her by telling her that I wanted to eat her. I knew it would make her blush, and I enjoyed seeing that, frankly. However, I remembered this morning when I was dreaming about waking up next to Summer with her laying in my arms.

My eyes fluttered open and was met with beautiful brown eyes. Her lips formed into a big smile now that I was awake, and she placed her hand on my face, cupping my cheeks. She pressed her soft lips into mine, easily taking my breath away. I squeezed her butt, and she gasped my name while rubbing her right hand up and down my bare chest. She then bit my bottom lip and winked at me as her hand traveled from my torso to the band of my sweats. While staring into my eyes with lust written in her own, she slid her hand into my sweats. While smirking, I slid my hand down to where her clit was, and she moaned my name. I then shifted her underwear, and she pulled me out. She then climbed on top of me and lifted my piece. She rubbed it at my entrance and-

I blushed from the memory of my dream. I could remember everything vividly and wished my dream had went on beyond what it did when I was forcefully woken. I was still embarrassed, however, that I had actually tried all of those things with the real Summer during my sleep. Though she said that we could forget that it happened, I knew it wasn't true. Neither of us would forget that, which worried me because I didn't want to ruin the friendship I had with her.

"I'll just have cereal," I answered.

"Are you sure?" Summer asked, her eyes watching me with a bit of confusion in them. "I don't mind cooking."

"Yeah, I'm sure," I nodded. She gave a small nod and turned on her heels. As she walked towards the kitchen, I stared at her butt. It wasn't massive, but it wasn't anything close to small either. It was round and bubbly, and medium sized yet bigger than what my hands could cup. She was shorter than me by far, but I actually liked that about her because it reminded me of how cute she was. She was also very beautiful in a different sense and had eyes so beautiful and controlling that it pierced into my soul whenever she looked at me. Whenever she'd look into my eyes and ask me for something, I could never not oblige. As I got older, I began making deals with her so that it would seem as if I were doing her a favor because I would get something out of it. Truly, I didn't care about receiving anything from her. I only wanted to make her happy. I had always cared about her, but for a while, I had only cared about her in a big brother type of way. When she turned twelve, however, I actually started crushing on her a bit, but because I was always four years older, I never tried anything.

Then I went away for college and didn't get to see her often during my vacations because of my family's fall out with her family. The few times I'd see her, we'd tease each other into an argument and stop talking to each other. We'd both say some pretty hurtful things, but I knew that neither of us meant what we were saying. We just had to find a reason to dislike each other because it felt weird not disliking each other. When I finished college, she was away for college, so I still didn't get to spend time with her. I often wondered if things would be different if we actually had gotten the chance to spend time together, and I understood now that it would. Summer and I hadn't even been married and living with each other for a month, yet we had been bonding. I didn't have strong feelings for her as yet, but I knew that each day I had spent with her so far was making me like her a bit more. My only concern was that my crush would develop for someone who would never feel the same about me.

Summer walked into the room with two bowls in her hand. She handed me a bowl and sat in the couch across from me, and I couldn't help but feel a bit hurt that she didn't want to sit next to me. After what happened this morning, I didn't expect anything other than her avoiding me, however. "Thanks," I thanked.

"You're welcome," she nodded. She didn't even smile at me. I really did mess everything up. "How's your leg?"

I answered, "It still hurts."

"Should I get an ice pack?" she offered, her eyes filled with concern, or maybe it was just my imagination.

"Nah, I'm good," I turned her offer down. The last thing I wanted to do was burden her. We then finished our cereal in silence. In attempt to break the silence, I asked, "How was your sleep?" I then mentally cursed at myself for asking about earlier.

She smiled, "It was good. I'd ask about yours, but it clearly was."

"Shut up," I smiled while staring at the ground.

She offered, "If you want, you can have your one night stands, and if the public finds out, we can say that we have an open marriage."

"No," I frowned while shaking my head. I hadn't even had a one night stand in months.

Summer replied, "I won't mind. I understand that you're probably a bit frustrated."

"I can control myself. Besides, the Circle won't be appreciative of an open marriage," I shook my head.

"Okay," she nodded.

I then teased, "I wouldn't mind having you, however."

While playfully rolling her eyes and blushing, she replied, "Sure you would."

"You don't believe me?" I frowned.

"Of course not," she chuckled. "I can't take you seriously."

I questioned, "And why is that?"

"Because I know you're joking," she smiled, and I forced a smile.

"Right," I lied.

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