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My nose wiggled a bit from the smell of a familiar peppermint and spice scent. It made me hungry yet in awe, but I couldn't wrap my mind on what exactly I was smelling. I slightly shifted my foot, which seemed to have been laying on top of something firm. With my eyebrows a bit furrowed, I slowly moved my hand as well and felt something smooth and hard. My eyes fluttered open before adjusting to the light in the room. Once I could see properly, I looked to my left and noticed that half of my body was on Dominic's. I had my right leg thrown over his waist, and my right arm resting on his hard chest. It then dawned on me that Dominic and I had shared the bed last night. I remembered us both getting drunk and him not being able to walk properly, which was why I had invited him to sleep with me- not in a sexual way, of course.

I tried to remove my body from his without waking him up, but when I tried to move, I felt a hand squeeze my butt. I hadn't even noticed that his right hand was cupping my butt, and because I didn't have any shorts under my night gown, my underwear was also showing. I tried to move once more, but Dominic groaned and squeezed my butt even harder, causing a slight gasp to escape my mouth due to how good it felt. I then felt the same hand that was cupping my butt snake a bit lower until his finger was resting on the slit of my underwear that hid my most sacred treasure from him.

"Dominic!" I gasped while trying to sit up, but he slightly turned his body and wrapped his other hand around me, keeping me firmly in his hold. He was still fast asleep, and must have been dreaming about having sex with a woman or something. "Dominic!" He groaned while shifting my underwear, and at that point, he had gone too far. I yelled, "Dominic!" while pushing him off me.

He jumped up out of his sleep and squinted from the bright light that shone in his eyes. He then slowly opened his eyes before looking down at me. "Summer? Wh-what? Why are you in my bed?" he asked, his face and eyes holding confusion. "Did we have s-"

"No," I shook my head. "We drank a lot of liquor last night, and you couldn't walk properly, so I allowed you to sleep in my bed."

"Oh..." he replied. His eyebrows then raised after a few seconds. "Oh yeah! Right, I remember now. Why did you wake me up? Was I snoring or something?" I chuckled and shook my head. I couldn't imagine Dominic King snoring. Now that would deserve being taped!
"Wait...I didn't grab your butt or anything, right?" I blushed while nodding, and he immediately covered his mouth. "Did I shift your-"

"Yeah," I blushed, a bit embarrassed.

He quickly apologized, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I was dreaming about...okay, that doesn't matter...but I got a bit confused."

"It's okay," I nodded. "I forgive you."

He ruffled his hair while shaking his head and looking away. "This is so fucking embarrassing." I then noticed that his cheeks had turned red. They were stained with blush as he avoided eye contact with me. I knew that he was much more embarrassed than I was, being that he was the one making all the moves. I was only embarrassed that I enjoyed what he was doing, but he didn't need to know that.

"Hey," I said gently while turning his head to face me, "I'm not judging you. We'll just forget this happened, okay?" He nodded in response but averted his eyes once more. "Look at me, Dom." He looked at me for a second before flickering his eyes elsewhere. "Look at me." He stared into my eyes, and I repeated, "Okay?"

"Okay," he nodded with blush still evident on his cheeks.

I then climbed off the bed and adjusted my night gown. I slipped on my bed slippers and informed, "I'm going to make breakfast. You're welcomed to join me downstairs, but if you still feel embarrassed, then I understand you wanting to cool down a bit before being around me again."

He climbed out of bed as well and put on his white tee, which he had taken off last night because he got hot. He then said, "I'll help you."

I nodded in response, and Dominic led the way out my room. We then began descending down the stairs, but when Dominic was two steps from the floor, he tumbled down the stairs.

"Dominic!" I worriedly expressed while rushing down the stairs.

While pressing his palms on the floor and pushing his chest up, Dominic replied, "I'm fine." He then stood up and tried to walk away but hissed in pain as his walking came to a halt.

"Are you?" I sarcastically replied while rushing to him. I then kicked his leg, and he hissed in pain again.

"I twisted my ankle," he hissed, but I kicked his leg again. "Fuck, Summer! Stop!" I snickered while wrapping an arm around his waist. He then threw his arm over my shoulder, and we made slow steps towards a couch in the living room. "I can still help you make breakfast. The pain will go away soon."

"Just rest, Dominic," I sighed. "I can take care of it." Dominic shook his head, and I sighed once more. "I won't burn the place down. I know what I'm doing."

Dominic pointed out, "I never said you would. I just don't like feeling worthless."

I chuckled, "You fell down the stairs and twisted your ankle. That doesn't mean that you are worthless now. It means that you got hurt. Now, what do you want to eat?"

A mischievous look entered his eyes but then quickly ran away. "I'll just have cereal," he answered.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "I don't mind cooking."

"Yeah, I'm sure," he nodded.

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