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Summer's POV

I was grateful that the car wasn't too close to the house, otherwise we would've been hurt from the explosion and maybe even die. I knew, however, that Dominic was very livid. He was turning red, and his fists were tightly gripping the steering wheel. His eyebrows were furrowed, and his lips tightly pursed. Anger was boiling in his cold eyes.

"We're bombing up this motherfucker's company right now. I don't give a fuck! Call the guy that can get us a rocket launcher!" he angrily ordered. I quickly complied and placed the phone on speaker.

"Hello?" Duda replied.

"Hey, Duda," I greeted. "How's everything going?"

Dominic's head snapped to my direction as his eyebrows narrowed. Duda and I went way back. We were friends from elementary school and dated in high school. We broke up when it was time for him to go to college, however, because he was two years older than me and was going away. We had figured that long distance would complicate things and be too much for us to handle, so we ended the relationship. We remained friends, however.

"Good. How are you?" Duda replied.

I sighed, "Not good. I need a favor."

"Sure, what's up?" Duda questioned.

"Do you think I can get my hands on your rocket launcher today?" I asked.

Duda chuckled, "That's a dangerous toy, Summer."

"For a dangerous husband," Dominic chimed in. "Can we get the rocket launcher or not?"

Duda teased, "Well isn't it Dominic King? You shouldn't get so defensive, you know. If it weren't for college, Summer would still be in my arms."

Dominic rolled his eyes and defended, "Yeah, well she's not. Besides, I could've snatched her from your arms whenever I had wanted to."

"Sure, pretty boy. We all know you're only married to Summer for the media attention. What- your modeling job wasn't cutting it anymore?" Duda mocked, and I sighed at the two's idiotic behavior.

"Someone sounds jealous," Dominic shrugged. "It's crazy how I keep ending up with all of your exes. Rebecca from elementary, Jasmine and Katy from middle school, and now Summer from high school. Does it bother you that I'm married to the one you actually cared the most about?"

Duda angrily replied, "Fuck you!"

Dominic, being the petty jerk he could be, cockily smirked, "Well Summer already does that to me enough, right after we slowly make love to each other and sometimes even before that. I've seen and touch parts of her that you will never get to see or touch. Let this sink in, sore loser: Summer Winter-King is fucking mine- and mine alone! Got it?"

I cleared my throat before speaking, "The two of you need to cut it out. Duda, I really need your help-"

"Sounds like Dominic is the only help you need," Duda replied, bitterness clear in his voice.

"Yeah cause I be breaking her back every night, bitch," Dominic replied angrily.

"Well I hope you have a rocket launcher to give her, dickhead!" Duda yelled into the phone.

Dominic raised his voice and yelled, "I give her a rocket launcher every night, little bitch, cause her pussy is bomb, you little hoe! And the next time we're fucking or making love, I might just record it and send it to you so you could slap your tiny little dick around!"

"Dominic!" I lectured. "Cut it out! And Duda, we're over. We've been over for six years now! The two of you get it together- now!"

Dominic and Duda both sighed, "I'm sorry," to me and I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I can drop it off whenever you want me to," Duda informed.

"Can you bring it to my parents' house right now?" I asked.

Duda replied, "Yeah, sure. Do you need anything else?"

I answered, "No, but thanks."

Sweetly, Duda replied, "Anything for you, Summer. See you soon."

Dominic replied, "I'll see you too, little bitch," before hanging up the phone. I looked at Dominic and shook my head in disapproval. "What?" Dominic asked innocently.

Punishing him, I answered, "No sex for a week."

"What?! I did nothing wrong!" Dominic defended.

I disagreed, "You could've gone about that situation differently. Plus, Duda didn't need to know about our sex life! No sex for a week, and when you see him, you better not start anything otherwise I'll change it from a week to a month."

"Aight! Aight! A week is fine," he said with raised hands. He then began driving towards my parents' house, where we'd probably be sleeping for a while.

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