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I held my breath before sinking to the bottom of the pool. I sat on the pool's floor for a while before floating to the top for some air. I didn't really know how to swim, so I didn't want to stay under the water for long. I stayed long enough to be able to fight my way to the top of the water. Plus, I held on to the railing to make sure that I didn't drown myself.

When I got to the top of the water, I noticed Dominic walking towards me. I had told him that I would be chilling out in his pool, but I hadn't expected him to join me- not that I disliked his company or anything.

"Hey," I greeted as he placed his towel next to mine on the chair. He only wore basketball shorts and slides, and before he walked over to the pool, he kicked his slides off. I caught myself watching his toned body in awe, which ignited a foreign feeling in me.

"Hey," he greeted as he got in the pool. "Why do you stay by the railing. The pool is big."

Of course he had to have had a really big pool in his mansion because he was Dominic King.

Not wanting to spill the truth, I shrugged, "No reason." He then took my hands in his, one of which he had to pry off the steel pole railing on the stairs. "What are you doing?" I asked cautiously as he brought us to the center of the pool. His pool was very deep, which worried me because I new that if he were to let me go and swim away, I'd be done for. Dominic released one of my hand, and I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck so that I wouldn't sink while warning, "Nigga-" I then covered my mouth, being that I never said that around him before or any of the white people I knew. I barely even said it to some of the black people I knew, as they acted as if they were too boujie sometimes. I only said that to my sister and some of my cool, black friends. I thought he'd be shocked or find it offensive, but he just roared with laughter. "I'm sorry."

"It's cool. I actually never heard you say that before," he chuckled. "Anyways, why are you being such a punk?"

I sighed and stared down at his chest but then realized that there wasn't the right place to look, so I changed my direction to my left. In shame, I admitted, "I can't swim." You'd think that because I was beyond rich, I would pay for swimming lessons, but I never really got the chance to. I was always busy with school work and barely had free time to do stuff like taking swimming lessons.

"The famous Summer Winter- still think your name is stupid- is afraid of-" he got out before I cut him off.

I playfully hit his shoulder while informing, "I'm not afraid of the water. I actually really like the pool. I just can't swim, so I'm afraid of drowning. Quit being a dickhead!"

He chuckled lightly before offering, "I can teach you, if you want."

"Would you be able to bring me back if I'm drowning?" I frowned, and he rolled his eyes.

He promised, "Nothing's gonna happen."

"Can you?" I pried, not willing to let this baboon drown me. "I'm not trying to meet our families as yet." He chuckled and nodded, so I sighed, "Fine. Teach me."

He held my hands and tried to pry them from around his neck, but I tightened my hold and moved closer to him, causing him to burst into laughter. "You can't swim if you don't let go."

"Let's start by a wall in case," I said, fear probably evident in my eyes and voice.

Dominic rolled his eyes at my exaggeration before saying, "Climb onto my back, and I'll take us to that side of the pool." He pointed to the right side of the pool, and I nodded and carefully climbed on his back. I then held my breath as he took us underwater and swam to where he had pointed. Once we were there he walked me through the steps of swimming and even showed me how to a few times. Now, it was time to try on my own, and I felt like shitting myself.

I pushed off, as he told me to, and began moving the way he had instructed me to, but all I did was sink. I desperately tried to swim to the top of the pool but only continued to sink further down. Luckily, Dominic came to my rescue, but I was already running out of air. I pointed to my throat with wide eyes, and Dominic did the last thing I would have expected him to do in a time of crisis like this: he kissed me.

A/N: Why on earth would Dominic kiss Summer? Will this kiss evolve into something else....something more? Those two are getting very comfy, don't you think?
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