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I placed the trays on the bedside table and shook Dominic's shoulder. He had been knocked out for a while now and had gotten about ten hours of sleep so far.

"Dom?" I called as I shook his shoulders, and he groaned. "Wake up." He continued sleeping, so I decided to annoy him until he'd wake up. I poked his cheeks, but he was still sound asleep. I then poked his abs, but he only groaned and pushed my hand away. "Get up!" Noticing that he didn't plan to wake up, I kissed his cheek. "Dom?" I kissed his lips, but he still didn't wake up. I then trailed kisses down his neck and to his torso, but he was still sound asleep. "Dommminiiiiiiic," I sang before sucking on his neck. I then placed my hand on his crotch and gave him a soft squeeze as I gently nibbled his ear.

"Hmmm," he hummed, and within one swift movement, Dominic grabbed my waist and threw me on top of him to straddle him.

I chuckled, "I had to do all of that to wake you up?" and he chuckled as well.

"You should wake me up like that every morning," he smiled. "Why'd you stop anyways?"

I chuckled, "Probably because I'm sore and don't want this to escalate."

Dominic mischievously smiled, "So what I got from that is that when you're not sore, you want to have sex with me again." I blushed from the way he twisted my sentence but nodded nonetheless. "And I can get my second and third rounds, right?"

While still blushing, I smiled, "I'll think about it." I then climbed off him, even though his eyes gave away that he didn't want me to move. I picked up the tray I prepared for him and handed it to him once he was sitting up.

"Thanks, love," he smiled, and I blushed from the nickname as I nodded. "The dinner you made the other night was really good, by the way. I forgot to tell you."

I chuckled, "Thanks." I then sat beside him with my own tray. "I'm gonna go grocery shopping today, by the way."

"I'd rather eat you instead, but I guess," he teased, causing me to blush and shyly smile.

"Quit teasing me," I replied shyly, and to make matters worse for me, he kissed my cheek and neck. Though I greatly enjoyed his touch, I didn't want to get too carried away, so I pulled away from him and sat further away.

Dominic chuckled and shook his head while going back to eating his breakfast, and I went back to eating mine as well.

"How was your sleep, beautiful?" Dominic asked, and I once again found my cheeks heating up like crazy.

I answered, "It was good. How was yours?"

"Great," he smiled. "How long was I asleep?"

"Ten hours, sleepy head," I smiled, causing him to smile as well.

He asked, "How much did you get?"

"Nine," I answered. "I didn't even hear neither your alarm nor mine. Why were we so knocked?" He smirked but didn't reply, causing a frown to form on my face. "What?" He shook his head but still had that stupid smirk on his face. "Tell meeeeee!"

He smiled, "You'll have the same question soon, and that's when I'll answer you."

"Fine," I sighed before finishing my breakfast and placing it on the bedside table next to me. Dominic did the same, only he placed it on the table next to him. Dominic watched as I patted my full stomach and smiled. His smiled quickly dropped, however, and I could see a bit of sadness in his eyes. "Are you okay?" I frowned. He nodded and smiled, but I knew his genuine smiles differently from his fake ones. "Yeah, okay! I'm not an idiot, Dominic."

He nodded, "I know, Summer. I just...I don't wanna talk about it. There's no point in talking about it."

We sat in silence, and I searched my brain for what I did wrong. All I was doing was rubbing my stomach...

It then hit me that maybe he was thinking about me being pregnant, which was why he smiled, but when he remembered that I didn't want children, he grew sad.

I straddled him, and he held my waist while staring into my eyes. "Is it because I don't want children?" I asked, and he scrounged his lips to the side and nodded. I sighed and lay on his chest.

"It's okay," he said, but I could hear the slight disappointment and sadness in his voice. "If you don't want any, we won't have any."

I shook my head, "It's not okay, Dom. I also have to be open to what you want as well."

"Yeah, but it's your body, and the choice will affect you forever," he pointed out. "Yeah, I'm a bit sad and disappointed because I always dreamt of having a family, but at the end of the day, I have to respect your decision- and I do."

I exhaled a deep breath, and he rubbed my back to soothe me and stop me from worrying.

"How do you know if we'll even have time for our children? We both have three large businesses to take care of. How do we manage that and two children?" I asked. "It's going to be really stressful."

Dominic agreed, "It will be, but I believe we're strong enough to work it out. It won't be only you taking care of the children either. I definitely want every part of the process. If I could breast feed them, I would." I chuckled at the last part, and he smiled while gently stroking my hair. "I'm really serious about this, but there's also no rush. We're both young and figuring stuff out."

I nodded in agreement with his last statement. I then negotiated, "In a month or two can start planning. How does that sound?"

He smiled widely and kissed my forehead. He then answered, "Great!"

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