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I was confused as to why he was trying to kiss me when I was about to drown, but when he pulled away and puffed his cheeks before pointing to my lips, I understood that he was trying to share some of the air he caught with me. I nodded in response and kissed him, and he blew some air in my mouth before pulling me to the top of the pool.

"Thank you," I breathed heavily as I held my chest, and Dominic chuckled while shaking his head.

He teased, "You're so dramatic that I don't even know what I'm going to do with you."

I frowned while continuing to hold my chest and replied, "I almost drowned. I thought you said you'd teach me how to swim? What was that?"

While holding his hands up in defense, he defended, "That was all you. You were doing the moves properly, but with each 'out' that you do with your leg, you have to exert force. In other words, it's like a push then part. Try it again and take in more air."

I hesitated to try again, but Dominic assured me that he'd be there if anything were to go wrong. I took a deep breath before pushing off from the wall. I tried to exert force, like Dominic told me to do, and practiced his push-part method. I continued doing what he had instructed me to do, and before I knew it, I had swum to the stairs. I swam to the top of the water and began cheering with excitement laced throughout me.

"Oh my gosh!" I yelled while lightly bouncing in the water and waving to Dominic. "I did it! Did you see? I-I swam! I swam!"

Dominic chuckled and nodded before going underwater and swimming to me. He was a fast swimmer, but nothing other than excellence was truly expected from him. He was perfect- or at least damn near perfect- at everything!

"Told you you could do it," he smiled while raising both hands for a double high five. I eagerly met his hands with mine while thanking him for teaching me how to swim. I was truly grateful because I really liked being in pools, and now that I knew how to swim, I could do all the cool stuff I wanted to try. "You should continue practicing so that you get faster and better at it, but I'm still proud of you. Plus, I am a great teacher, so..." I playfully rolled my eyes in response and splashed some water on him. "Oh, really?" Dominic chuckled before splashing water on me. I splashed more water on him and held my breath before going underwater and trying to swim away. However, because he swam much faster than me, he easily caught up to me and grabbed my waist. I wanted to burst into laughter, but didn't want to drown, so I only smiled and held my stomach as I laughed on the inside. We swam to the top and caught our breaths before Dominic sarcastically replied, "Nice. Good job there. You got very far." I looked behind us and noticed that I had barely made it from the steps when he caught up to me. I could've sworn we were in the center of the pool, but likewise, I played myself. I burst into laughter, and Dominic chuckled while shaking his head.

"You should teach me how to float," I smiled eagerly.

Dominic playfully frowned, "What do I look like?"

Using his own words against him, I smiled, "A great teacher." I pouted and put on the sweetest eyes I could conjure up, but Dominic only stared at me with an unfazed expression. "You know I won't beg," I shrugged before crossing my arms.

He teased, "It's one of the things I love about you, my dear wife." I playfully rolled my eyes in response while crossing my arms, waiting for him to tell me whether he'd help me or not. "What do I get in return?"

I shrugged, "What do you want?"

He thought for a while before answering, "You have to make dinner tonight."

While frowning, I asked, "Who said I could cook?"

Dominic's eyebrows creased as his nose slightly scrounged. He squinted his eyes a bit and asked, "You really don't know how to cook?"

"Barely," I admitted. "I can make rice, but it comes out a bit soft, and I don't know how to cook chicken or anything of that sort. I can, however, make pasta. I can make spaghetti and sausage."

Dominic shook his head in disbelief and sighed, "I guess I have to teach you how to cook as well....tomorrow. You're cooking spaghetti and sausage tonight."

"So...we have a deal?" I smiled, and he nodded in response.


A/N: Another deal, huh? I know that I haven't posted in six days, and I apologize for that. As promised, I will be posting the three chapters that I was supposed to post for Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday, along with three additional chapter (a chapter for each day missed 😊)!!! Luckily, tomorrow and the day after are also days that I post chapters for this story so you'll have a lot to read this weekend or at least until next week Wednesday.

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