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Dominic opened the door for me, and the music that we were hearing outside the club immediately got louder

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Dominic opened the door for me, and the music that we were hearing outside the club immediately got louder. I thanked him, though he most likely didn't hear me, and he held my hand while leading me somewhere. We climbed some steps and came into two very tall and muscular security guards. Upon seeing Dominic, they immediately moved out the way, and because he was holding my hand, they allowed me to enter the V.I.P area as well. There were four guys in the section and about fifteen girls surrounding them. A dark hair guy that wore a light gray turtle neck shirt was seated with five girls around him, so I assumed that he was the birthday guy.

Dominic walked over to the guy, who smiled and stood when seeing Dominic

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Dominic walked over to the guy, who smiled and stood when seeing Dominic. They dapped each other up, and Dominic handed him the birthday present that we decided to get him, which was a black Rolex.

Because this room had thick glass walls, we could see everything occurring on the floor below us, and the music wasn't as loud up here as it was downstairs.

"Thanks," the guy smiled while dapping Dominic once again.

Dominic informed, "It was Summer's idea. You should be thanking her. I had no idea what to get you."

It was then that the guy acknowledged my presence. He smiled, "Thank you, Summer." I smiled and gave a gentle nod in response. I wondered if all of Dominic's friend was as handsome and charming as himself because the birthday guy was definitely very good looking. "I'm Matthew, and it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"It's nice to meet you as well," I smiled.

"I can see why Dom chose to marry you out of the few girl's he has given his time to. You're very beautiful," Matthew complimented, causing light blush to form on my cheeks

"Eyes off," Dominic said playfully to Matthew, but I could see it in his eyes that he actually meant it. Matthew, however, missed the seriousness in Dominic's eyes due to the fact that his eyes were on me.

"She truly is beautiful and..." Matthew said while checking me out from head to toe, "very curvy."

I smiled, "Thank y-"

Before I knew it, I was being pulled into Dominic's muscular chest, and my mouth was smashed against Dominic's. Before I could even enjoy the kiss, however, Dominic pulled away and smiled, "Those are two reasons why she's mine."

"Yeah," Matthew blushed lightly while rubbing behind his neck. "Drinks?"

"Sure," I smiled, and Dominic nodded as well. Dominic had a chauffeur drive us to the party, and the guy was waiting in the car to take us back whenever we wanted to leave. That way, Dominic and I would be able to drink and have a good time.

After four cups and three shots, I was drunk out my ass and began to find everything hilarious. I had also eaten a weed brownie an hour ago, which was probably why I was laughing so much. When a girl came over to dance on Dominic, however, the joke was over.

"Back off," I barked at the girl while standing, and she quickly scurried to the other side of the room to dance with David, one of Matthew's and Dominic's friend.

Dominic chuckled, "She only wanted to dance."

While sitting next to him, I replied, "I don't care."

I then noticed that everyone was doing their own separate thing. Matthew was occupied with his five girls once more, David had three girls dancing on him, Jonah- another friend- had three girls with him as well, and Steven- the fourth friend- had four girls dancing and kissing on him. At one point, we were all partying together, but as the liquor and brownie seeped in, I lost track of when we separated. Now, it was just Dominic and me.

"Party pooper," Dominic teased while downing his fourth shot. Privacy by Chris Brown then came on, and I began slightly swaying to the song and singing the lyrics. Dominic stood and stretched out his hand, and I frowned while taking it. He pulled me off the chair while smiling, "Dance with me."

"What?" I asked, even though I heard what he said.

He repeated, "Dance with me."

"To this?" I frowned while trying to fight my inner self, which wanted to start grinding on him.

Dominic bit his lip and nodded, "Yeah."

"Well, we're not about to sway to this. Sit down," I said while gently pushing him onto the black leather couch that we had originally been sitting on. I then straddled him, and he placed his hands on my waist. I grind on beat to the song while staring into his eyes. My eyes then closed for a second, and when I opened them, I felt refreshed. I had finally allowed the brownie to fully seep in, and because I was both high and drunk, I lost control of my body. My inner playful self was now in control and was the one who was kissing on Dominic's neck while grinding on him still. Dominic squeezed my butt, but made sure that my dress was still covering me. I could feel him growing beneath me, but I didn't care. He felt perfect resting beneath me and motivated me to continue grinding on him. He then gently grabbed my throat before sucking on my neck, and I moaned as a warm liquid formed between my lower lips. I grabbed onto Dominic's jacket, and he tightened his hold on my throat and waist as he continued to suck on my neck. I then felt a tap on my shoulder, causing me to jump in shock.

I looked up at Matthew, who informed, "There's a back room if you two wanna hit it off there."

I blushed while shaking my head and standing. "Dominic, can we go home now?" I asked, a bit embarrassed that I allowed myself to get so carried away in public. Dominic blushed while nodding and standing up. We then told Matthew happy birthday before heading to the car. We got in, and the chauffeur asked if we wanted for him to roll the partition up. I quickly answered, "No!" while shaking my head. The last thing I needed was motivation to continue where Dominic and I left off. I looked up at Dominic who quickly looked away while blushing, causing me to do the same.

Like I said in the last chapter, I'm changing the publishing days to Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday starting today. I'll of course publish two chapters today being that yesterday was a Tuesday, and I'm nice 😌
I hope you all enjoy!

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