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As we left the building, I stared at both of the beautiful rings that were now on my finger. When I looked up, I noticed a few people watching Dominic and me, so I offered faint smiles. Noticing as well, Dominic looked down at me and slightly raised his eyebrows. He then looked down at my hand while slowly connecting it with his. While walking out the building, I noticed a guy hiding across the street with a camera in hand, but I pretended to not see him and just put on a bright smile. Talking through my teeth, I informed, "Guy, nine o'clock."

Dominic then smiled and stopped walking. He turned to me, his back probably hiding us both, and questioned, "Should we give them a little something or leave them completely in the wind?"

With a mischievous smirk, I replied, "Let's give them a little something." I walked in front of him and turned around.

Dominic cupped my left cheek and asked, "Tongue or long smooch?"

"Long smooch," I answered while placing my hand on his waist. Dominic then slowly leaned in and I went on my tippy toes to make up for the height difference that my heels still didn't fix. I moved my hands from his waist and instead wrapped it around his neck before slowly pressing my lips into his. Weirdly, I felt a little bit of tingles from the kiss, but that was probably because it was my very first. I wouldn't be telling Dominic that, however, because I knew he'd mock me for it as long as we would live. After about thirty seconds, I pulled away a bit and stared into his eyes. "Where do we go now?"

Dominic thought for a while before replying, "Let's grab something to eat and then head back to my place." Not having anything else to do, I simply nodded in agreement. Besides, I was actually hungry, as it was 3 p.m now. "What are we eating?" I released his neck, and he unwrapped his hand from my waist, even though I didn't know when they got there in the first place. He shrugged in response, so I asked "How about pizza and fries? I haven't had junk in a while."

"Sure," he nodded before taking my hand into his and leading the way to his car. "I know a really nice pizzeria." He opened my door, and I got inside while thanking him. This time, he actually told me that I was welcome before closing my door. Then, he got over to his side and entered the car.


I sipped my milkshake, and Dominic opened the pizzeria's door for me so that I could exit. As soon as we left the pizzeria and turned the corner of the block to get to Dominic's car, we were flooded with a crowd of paparazzi. I looked at Dominic with surprise evident on my face, and he expressed his surprise as well.

"Summer, are you and Dominic together?"

"Dominic, is it true that you and Summer are married?"

"How are you both coping with your recent losses?"

"What would your parents think of you two hanging out if they were alive?"

"Did your family know about your relationship?"

"Did this relationship form because of your losses?"

"When is the wedding?"

"Do you know why your families were murdered?"

"Who do you suspect killed your families?"

"Dominic, what sets Summer apart from your exes?"

"Summer, is it true that you are expecting?"

Dominic and I crossed the street and quickly rushed to his car. Of course, the paparazzis followed behind us, but being that we were already in the car, we no longer cared. Dominic sped off down the block, and thankfully, our light was green. He made a swift turn before slowing down and driving at a regular pace. We had expected to catch only one or two paparazzis today to give them a little tease of our marriage, but we didn't actually expect to be caught off guard by a crowd of them.

"Are we still going to confront the press next week or do you want to do it sooner, now that we've been caught together by so many paparazzis?" I questioned before taking another sip of my milkshake.

Dominic's focus was on the road, but he replied, nonetheless, "We'll get our story straight today, and then tomorrow we can confront the press."

I nodded and stuffed a fry in my mouth. I hummed in response due to how delicious the fry was. I actually hadn't expected it to be as good as it was. "This is delicious," I smiled as the car came to a red light. Dominic turned his head in my direction and opened his mouth, expecting me to feed him. "You have hands, you know."

"Yeah, but I also have to steer, so my hands are dirty. Plus, I don't want to get grease on the steering wheel," he explained. He then took a sip of his own milkshake before nagging, "The lights are going to change soon."

I was surprised I wasn't being crucified for eating in his car, but I understood that he didn't have a fit because he too wanted to eat in his car. While rolling my eyes, I took up about four fries and stuffed them into his mouth. Purposely, Dominic bit my finger, causing me to yelp in pain. He chuckled while chewing the fries and driving once more.

"Fucker!" I rolled my eyes while observing my finger for any blood. The only things I saw, however, was a big tooth mark.

Dominic smirked, "That, I am."

A/N: First kiss, huh? Why let Dominic be her first kiss? Why did Dominic even suggest giving the paparazzi a tease? Will Summer be expecting after all?
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