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I woke up to the most beautiful man I knew. He had dimples in his cheeks from smiling widely now that I was awake, and I couldn't help but smile widely as well.

He cheesed, "Good morning, beautiful."

While still smiling widely, I replied, "Good morning, handsome."

We then passionately smooched each other's lips for a while before pulling away. We connected our hands while staring lovingly into each other's eyes.

"Yeah, I can definitely get used to this," Dominic winked, causing me to blush a bit, "with or without the sex, by the way. Being able to wake up with you wrapped into my arms is the true gift."

I cooed, "Aww," causing him to playfully roll his eyes as blush formed on his cheeks. I then leaned in for an innocent kiss, but Dominic took the opportunity to grab my waist and hoist me into his body. "Hey!" I playfully complained. I wasn't expecting Dominic to do what he had done, but when it came to him, nothing were to be expected. He was definitely unpredictable, but I was as well, which was one of the reasons why I could already imagine the amount of fun we'd have together. Last night was an example as well, especially because Dominic allowed me to have more control during the second round. We were able to switch positions often because we were both very interested in experiencing each other's body's in different ways. The third round, which happened to be the last, was more calm but adventurous, nonetheless, and mostly slow. We both enjoyed switching tempos as much as we enjoyed switching positions, but we had performed in a convenient manner, meaning that we hadn't been randomly switching and annoying each other.

"This seems like crazy deja vu," Dominic teased before biting his bottom lip and staring into my eyes with lust present in them. He was talking about when I had gotten on top of him during rounds two and three, and by the look in his eyes, I could tell that he wanted to re-enact last night's antics.

"You do remember that we have a Circle mission, right?" I chuckled as he cupped my butt.

While squeezing my butt, he replied, "We have until twelve tonight." He then flipped our bodies and started trailing kisses on my face, causing me to giggle.

"Chill out, guy," I chuckled. "We have a flight to catch at 1 p.m. What time is it now?"

Dominic frowned, "Guy? Guy?! Why you said babe like that?" I chuckled in response, and he replied, "I'm dead ass. You gotta fix that."

"What if I don't want to?" I asked, and Dominic immediately pinned my arms above my head. "We have to get ready soon."

He shook his head, "Not until you call me-"

"Demonic? Demon fish? Crab butt? Lobster eggs?" I teased, and he rolled his eyes.

"You're not funny," he replied in an unamused voice.

I smiled, "I know, babe. I'm hilarious. Now move."

He shook his head, "I don't like how you said babe. I think you gotta change that to daddy."

I slid a hand from out of his hold and tickled him, causing him to release me and burst into laughter as he pled for me to stop. I then slid from under his body and rushed off the bed before he could grab me.

"That's not happening," I shook my head, and he once again rolled his eyes at me. I then checked the time on my phone and noticed that it was already ten. "I'm about to shower and pack my duffel." We were heading to Singapore on a Circle mission but decided that we also needed a little vacation. For that reason, we'd be spending a week there.

Dominic questioned, "Are we showering together?" And I shook my head. "Why?" he frowned.

I answered, "Because you're gonna try to have sex there too."

He chuckled, "I'll bring three condoms."

"The point is that we're supposed to be getting ready. We have a flight to catch at 1," I chuckled.

He argued, "The jet will wait for us. We can reschedule for 2. We'll get there at 6 or 7 and hand over the flash drive at the landing site. Then, we'll head over to the hotel and enjoy our vacation."

"Fine," I gave in. "Meet me in the shower, and don't forget the condoms!"

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